8 Ways to Have a Healthy and Happy Cat

All cats are different. Some may have fun running around the house while others enjoy sleeping all day. However, at the end of the day, all furry feline friends require a healthy balance of enrichment and overall wellness to ensure a healthy and happy cat.

To ensure your cat’s happiness, consider the following:

Regular Veterinarian Check-ups

Staying up-to-date with your veterinarian appointments, such as yearly wellness exams, is crucial for your cat’s overall wellness. Furthermore, it also provides you with an opportunity to inquire about any concerns you may have or ask him/her questions.

Fresh Water at All Times

Cats are like dogs and require proper hydration.  In fact, some medical problems can be triggered by a lack of hydration.

Provide Plenty of Space to Roam and Play

Cat’s require space to play, roam, and explore. Whether you have a fun-loving senior or a curious kitten, having room to roam and play is important regardless of your cat’s age, size, or breed. Think about creating a space that is dedicated to your cat/s. Naturally, this space will provide them with an opportunity to relax and rest in a haven created just for them.

Interactive Play

Interactive play is a terrific way to stimulate your furry friend and provide them with a chance to stretch their bodies. For example, consider having a variety of toys, such as a mouse, laser pointer, and/or wand. If your household has more than one pet, these toys give them a chance to play together.

Create a Cat-Friendly Living Space

Cats, like dogs, are part of your family.  As such, cats should have a home that is cat-friendly. This is where they can play, explore, and lounge. Consider adding cat furniture to your living space, like cat shelves, cat trees, and scratching posts. By adding different surfaces, sizes, and levels, your cat gets the physical and mental stimulation that they need.

Supervise Unusual Behavior

If your furry little feline begins to act out, chances are there is something more going on. For instance, cats are not often vocal when there is something bothering them. Consider contacting your vet and make an appointment and note any concerns. Your vet can perform a thorough examination and additional diagnostic tests to help determine the issue.

Maintain a Tidy Pet Space

Not only is a pet-friendly space important to your cat’s health and wellness, but it also helps to maintain a clean and tidy space. If your cat’s furniture and toys are taking up most of your home, it may be time to re-evaluate the usage of the items.

Furthermore, consider handling the cat litter odor by using Litter-ly Gon Cat Litter Box Deodorizer and Odor Control. One small bag lasts an entire month to ensure a fresh-smelling litter box area.

Take Time Out of Each Day to Bond with Your Cat

One of the most vital factors for a happy and healthy cat is spending time with your feline friend. The bond between your cat and family is important. Consider spending time each day interacting with your cat, hugs, and cuddles, and even take a cat nap with them. Your cat will enjoy the extra time you take to spend with them.

For more information on having a healthy and happy cat, please contact us!

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