DIY Liposomal Vitamin C

Are you interested in making your own Liposomal Vitamin C, but are you not sure how to go about it? Below is a stellar recipe to make your very own Liposomal Vitamin C!

Liposomal Vitamin C is very effective if you want to support your health, boost your immune system and treat e.g. leaky gut. Vitamin C is one of the most widely recognized and used anti-oxidants in the world and plays an important role in the health and function of the immune cells.

Vitamin C also plays an important role in the production of collagen which is the major constituent in ligaments, bones, discs, tendons and skin. High dose vitamin C has been shown to improve the healing process of burns, cuts, wounds, sprains/strains and broken bones. It is also extremely important for the health of the eyes and many experts believe that as little as 1,000 mg of liposomal vitamin C daily may stop cataracts all together.

For this recipe, you’ll need non-GMO and non-synthetic ingredients. You can find both Acerola Powder and Sunflower Deoiled Lecithin Powder in our webshop. In addition, you need a Ultra Sonic Machine. Depending on the size of your Ultra Sonic Machine, you might want to alter the quantities a little bit.

Ok, let’s get started!

Things You will Need:

1. Acerola Vitamin C & Sunflower Lecithin

2. 2pcs empty jar 1L (1 for mix the product ; 1 to keep liposomal later on refrigerator)

3. 500 ml still water

4. Things to mix (you can use fork or mixer)

5. Ultrasonic Cleaner Machine


1. Fill Jar I with 500ml still water

2. Pour 3 scoop Acerola Vitamin C to the jaar with water. mix them till the water blend with the powder.

3. Added 3 scoop Sunflower Lecithin. mix them again till all blend together.

4.Make sure Ultrasonic cleaner clean and ready. You can pour the liquid into the machine or simply put the jar on the machines

5. Make sure the machine or the jar closed.

6. Turn on the machine and set the time to 480 seconds. The process have to be 2X480 seconds. so, After the first 480 seconds done, set again for the second 480 seconds.

7. When it is done, you can move the Liquid to another jar which make you easier to consume and keep it well on refrigerator ( max 7degrees)

8. Your Liposomal Vitamin C ready to consume

Take 2 ounces (or as many times as you like but recommending testing it out to see) before bed or when you first wake up on an empty stomach. Give yourself 30-45 minutes before consuming food.
To make it taste sweeter you can chase it with some Kombucha, orange juice, tea or your drink of choice.

Get your Product Acerola Vitamin C and Sunflower Lecithin now!

Ways to Get Your Chihuahua Started On A Raw Diet

Your Chihuahua is more than a pet, they are a family member, which means you want to make sure that you’re feeding them well. One of the best diets that vets and other pet professionals make is the raw food diet. This diet contains a good amount of nutrition and protein you’re unable to get with regular dog food diets that you purchase in the store.

A raw diet is one of the best diets that you can have your pet on. Not only just Chihuahuas but also a number of other pets can benefit from having a raw diet made of raw meats and veggies.

Why a Raw Food Diet for a Chihuahua?

Chihuahuas should eat a raw food diet because they are one of the longest living breeds. They need to eat a raw diet that is healthier for them. This can help them increase their lifespan, while also ensuring that they get the best possible outcome with help from this diet.

How Much Should the Chi Eat?

The Chi should ideally eat between 2-3% of their body weight in the amount of raw diet that they eat. This means just a few ounces of raw meat for every feeding. This means just a heaping tablespoon of food for some of the smallest of pups.

Making sure that the pup not only gets this raw meat, but also the fruits and veggies that they need throughout the day might seem tough to do, but it is possible. Fruits and veggies can be given as treats and snacks throughout the day or added into the meal during mealtime depending on how good of an eater your pup is.

You can adjust the serving size depending on the size of the dog, as well as their activity level to ensure that they get the best possible outcome from the amount of food that they are ingesting. It is important that they not only get the best nutrition from the amount of food given in this raw food diet, but also with the supplements that are being given alongside the food that is offered 2-3 times per day. This is important, as you want to match the dogs’ weight, healthy, lifestyle, and exercise level.

Adding supplements to your pet’s diet can be one of the best things to do when considering a raw diet. One of the best supplements on the market is natural vitamins and marine phytoplankton that are derived from all-natural ingredients. When you take the best step forward for your pet’s health, you’re helping them gain a step above in the health department. These supplements can help.

It is important to speak with your vet regarding the raw diet you’re considering, as you want to ensure that you’re doing what is best for your pup. Your vet can let you know if this is the best diet for you to feed your pup based on their health history and other factors, so you can ensure you’re doing the best thing for your pet. Speak with them today.

4 Easy Ways for a Healthier Dog

We love our fur babies. We hope for a healthy, long life, full of wonderful memories. We love the excitement of our dog when we come home from work, school, etc. Our bond with our dog is strong and we do whatever it takes to ensure they feel the great love we have for them.

While many ways to keep our dogs in tip-top shape are obvious, some are not.

Here are some simple ways to have a healthier dog:

High-Quality Diet

You want to ensure your fur baby receives a good balance of nutrition. It is important to take a little time to study the breed of canine you have chosen to be your best friend and to understand what their diet should consist of. Of course, there is an easy way of dry dog food at the local market. Many brands today now tend to be high-quality, unlike in the past.

On the other hand, there is high-end food which is cooked or raw homemade food. This way, you know exactly what is in it. When preparing your own dog food, you need to know the balance of carbs, proteins, and fats that are best for your dog’s breed and size. The minerals and vitamins must be balanced.

You can also add supplements to your store-bought or homemade dog food to ensure they get the best nutrition.

Oral Hygiene

Taking the time needed to care for your dog’s teeth can be the difference between a long life and a short life. In fact, bad breath from your dog can be an indicator of something serious and they should see their veterinarian as soon as possible. The real issues come from plaque and bacteria that build up and can get to your dog’s heart and end their life early.

If you begin taking care of their teeth at a young age and brush their teeth, that is best. To help there are sprays and daily dental chewies. If you still notice bad breath, your fur buddy might need a professional cleaning at the vet.

Know What is Toxic to Your Dog

Xylitol is in gum and other baked goods and can kill your dog. Here is a list of what to keep away from your dogs’ stomach:

Apple seeds, avocado, alcohol, toothpaste and mouthwash, caffeine, tea, coffee, candy, chewing gum, chocolate, cat food, corn on the cob, cooked bones, grapes and raisins, fat trimmings, hops, garlic, human vitamins, marijuana, liver, milk and other dairy products in quantity, macadamia nuts, chives and onions, raw fish, salt, sugar, peppers, persimmon, yeast, plum and peach pits, rhubarb and tomato leaves, tobacco, xylitol.

Clean Your Pet Bowls

It is very important to change your dogs’ water regularly and clean the water and food bowls daily. Cleaning the water and food bowl regularly will ensure they get no unhealthy effects that can come with unwashed dog bowls.

For any questions on ways to keep your dog healthy, contact us today.

Top 5 Foods with Anthocyanins

Top 5 Foods with Anthocyanins

You’ve probably heard time and time again the importance of eating your fruits and vegetables. These foods contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and more, all essential for maintaining a healthy body. In addition to these health benefits, many fruits and vegetables contain incredible compounds called anthocyanins.

Anthocyanins are a subset of a larger group called flavonoids. You’ve most likely heard this term in reference to green tea, red wine, and cocoa. Flavonoids are antioxidants. Anthocyanins are as well, but they are much more powerful. Many studies have shown them to have twice the antioxidant power of vitamin C. There are over 500 individual anthocyanins that have been identified. In addition to giving foods their bright blues, purples, and oranges, they are also a powerhouse of nutritional benefits.

The Benefits of Anthocyanins

There are several incredible benefits of anthocyanins. One of the biggest benefits, much like the benefits of other flavonoids, is that anthocyanins may help to fight cancer. There are plenty of lab and clinical studies that suggest anthocyanins, and foods rich in anthocyanins, can provide anti-cancer effects and can help to stop tumor metastasis.

A 2009 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that supplementation with anthocyanins resulted in a 13.7% increase in good cholesterol and a 13.6% reduction in the bad cholesterol. Lowering bad cholesterol is essential for reducing the risk of heart disease, the number one cause of death in the United States. Other research has found that anthocyanins can help to protect the heart by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation while also helping to reduce blood pressure.

Other benefits of anthocyanins include

  • They may help to fight obesity.
  • Improving vision.
  • Healthy liver function.
  • Boosting cognitive functions.

5 Foods Chock Full of Anthocyanins

There are several types of foods that contain anthocyanins. The top 5 foods that contain these incredible antioxidants include:

  1. Dark berries – blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, elderberries, and more – are ranked top in terms of antioxidant power. Acai berries, small, reddish-purple berries, are even richer in anthocyanins than any other type of berry. The antioxidant content, which is measured by the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Content (ORAC), of 100 grams of Acai is 15,405 where the content of 100 grams of blueberries is 4,669.
  2. There are many different types of cherries. Tart cherries have a higher anthocyanin content than sweet cherries. Typically, the darker the color of the cherry (as with any other antioxidant rich food) the higher the concentration of anthocyanins. Studies have shown that individuals who consume tart cherries regularly experience relief from conditions such as osteoarthritis as well as soreness following a workout.
  3. Purple grapes. Purple grapes are not only an excellent source of anthocyanins, they also help to eliminate uric acid crystals. The skin contains a compound called resveratrol, which helps to fight inflammation. Red wine, made from purple grapes, is also a good source, and has been found to lower cholesterol as well as blood pressure.
  4. The dark purple skin of eggplant is rich in anthocyanins. Anthocyanins taken from eggplant skin have been shown to scavenge free radicals and prevent lipid peroxidation. One particular anthocyanin found in eggplant may also have anti-angiogenic properties and prevent cell DNA damage. Many recipes call for peeling the skin from the eggplant because it tends to be bitter. In order to get the anthocyanins, however, leave the skin on.
  5. Black rice. Black rice is also commonly called “forbidden rice.” It has this name due to the fact that only the emperor of ancient China was allowed to eat it. Black rice has been found to have six times more antioxidants than brown or white rice. Additionally, a single spoonful of black rice bran has the same anthocyanin content as a spoonful of fresh blueberries.

There are many foods that contain anthocyanins. Typically, the darker the color of the skin, the more anthocyanins it contains. In order to get the most health benefits, it’s best to eat a varie

Buy here Mr Ros Acai Juice Berry Powder

Recipe for Acai Bowl with Strawberries & Banana

Acai bowl recipe

Acai bowls…..they’re definitely a hype. But what’s so great about a smoothie that you can eat from a bowl? Well, a lot!

This seemingly minor change-up from glass to bowl, is exactly what makes an acai bowl so special. Because it’s in a bowl, topped with all sorts of goodies, it asks you to take it slow, and spoon and savor each and every bite.

Acai powder adds that bit of oomph to an otherwise more-or-less-standard fruit and nut drink. And don’t get us started about the toppings: the options are endless!

Here is one of our favorite acai bowl recipes for breakfast or brunch.

Acai Bowl with Strawberries & Banana

Ingredients (yield: serves 1)

1 cup of frozen strawberries
1 frozen sliced banana
2 tablespoons acai powder
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tablespoon nut or seed butter
1/2 tablespoon honey (more or less to taste)


Your pick of fresh fruit, sliced. We used bananas, strawberries and raspberries in this recipe.
Bee pollen
Clear, runny honey
Unsweetened coconut flakes
Dried goji berries
Chia or hemp seeds


Add the frozen fruits, acai powder, almond milk, nut or seed butter, and honey to a blender. Blend until creamy and smooth, adding extra almond milk as needed to get the blender running. Aim for a frozen-yogurt consistency (it should be thicker than a smoothie).

Spoon the acai mixture into bowls and top with sliced fruit, bee pollen, a drizzle of honey, and the optional toppings (if using).

Mr. Ros Wildcrafted Acai Berry Juice Powder

Our non-GMO Acai Juice Powder contains up to 30 times the level of good anthocyanins found in grapes. It’s packed with antioxidants and omega 6 and 9, and promotes skin health, a healthy digestive system and even aids in weight loss.



Be sure to sign up to our newsletter to receive our free eBook with 13 Superfood Smoothie Recipes.

Recipe for Goji Aloe Reishi Longevity Lemonade

Mr Ros Superfood Recipe

This particular lemonade hits all the right marks: it’s brimming with Vitamin C, beta-carotenoids, vitamin B 12, trace minerals and different enzymes. Plus: it’s yum too! Try it out and let us know what you think of it.


• 1 c. cashews
• 1 lime (whole)
• 1 lemon (whole)
• 1 c. cashews
• 1 lime (whole)
• 1 lemon (whole)
• 1 garlic clove
• 1 tsp. Marine Phytoplankton Powder
• 1 c. of water
• 1/4 c. parsley (chopped)
• 1/4 c. cilantro (chopped)
• 1 green onion stalk
• 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
• 3 tbsp. goji berries
• 5 in. of aloe Vera gel
• 1 to 2 tbsp. of raw honey or agave nectar
• 1/2 of an avocado
• 1 tsp. of nutritional yeast (optional)
• 1/8 tsp. of chili pepper powder
• 1/2 tsp. Kalahari or Himalayan salt
• 1/2 tsp. of mesquite powder
• 1 and 1/2 l. of high-quality water


Place all ingredients in your blender with half the water. Add more water if needed. If you like it hot, add more pepper to the concoction. Enjoy!