Why Marine Phytoplankton is Better than EPA

Many people know that Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids are needed for your health. These acids can help reduce inflammation, improve joint health, help with infant and child development, lower the risk of heart disease, and much, much more. If you ask most people how they could get more Omega 3’s in their diet, they would say to take fish oil supplements. While these supplements do contain some Omega 3’s, they’re not the most effective way of getting more of these necessary acids. In fact, they have a few downsides to them that most people don’t know about. Marine phytoplankton, on the other hand, offers much more than fish oil. Here are some of the ways it’s better than fish oil and other EPA products.

What Is EPA?

EPA is short for eicosapentaenoic acid, a type of long-chain Omega 3. It’s found in many different fish and other sea life, including shellfish. The other type of Omega 3 acids are short-chain fatty acids or alpha-linolenic acids (ALA). ALA acids are found in algae, marine phytoplankton, and various other plants.

Cutting Out the Middleman

Fish are high in Omega 3’s, but why is that? Because they eat things that are high in them! Fish eat marine phytoplankton and absorb the Omega 3’s found in them, which then makes the fish high in these fatty acids. By taking marine phytoplankton capsules or adding powdered marine phytoplankton to your meals, you’re essentially cutting out the middleman. You’re absorbing the ALA short-chain fatty acids just like a fish would. Of course, you’d need to eat a lot more marine phytoplankton than a fish would since you’re much larger, but that’s why these supplements are highly concentrated.

The Benefits of Using Marine Phytoplankton Instead of Fish Oils and Other EPA Supplements

Other than ingesting marine phytoplankton directly instead of through fish, why should you take this supplement instead of other EPA-based ones? There are a few reasons why marine phytoplankton is the better option:

  • You’re doing the same thing fish do to build a strong immune system.
  • You don’t have to worry about ingesting mercury, lead, or other heavy metals that are being found more and more in fish.
  • You also don’t have to worry about ingesting any of the synthetic PCB chemicals that are now being found in fish.
  • Marine phytoplankton is often grown in a controlled bioreactor instead of harvested from the oceans. This means that’s cleaner and safer.
  • Ingesting supplements made from using this phytoplankton also means you’re not having any type of impact on the ocean life.
  • You aren’t contributing to the decrease of the fish population or the over-fishing of certain areas.

Want to learn more about marine phytoplankton capsules or powders? You can read more about our products on our website or purchase them directly through Amazon.

What Doctors say about Marine Phytoplankton

What Doctors say about Marine Phytoplankton

Dr. Bob Rowe (consultant member of the EPA Science Advisory Board) has been working closely with the anecdotal evidence, and he feels that the nutritional properties of marine phytoplankton appear to work at the cellular level to repair the liver and the nervous system, improve endocrine function, and to correct sleep disorders and weight problems.

“Chronic conditions possibly caused by nutritional deficiency and inflammation at the cellular level have been quickly reversed with natural Marine Phytoplankton. Astounding health changes have been reported including dramatic improvements in cardiovascu­lar function, blood sugar regulation, digestive function, weight loss, immune function, sleep quality, mental clarity and energy levels.”

~ Vince Ziccarelli MSc. RD FICN

Marine Phytoplankton is a food that contains almost everything you need for life (and the rebuilding of a healthy life). It contains the nine amino acids that the body cannot make and must be consumed in our diet (essential amino acids). The essential fatty acids are also present (Omega 3 and Omega 6). Vitamins A (betacarotine), 81 (thiamine), 82 (riboflavin), 83 (niacin), 85 (pantothenic acid), 86 (pyridoxine), 812 (cobalamin), C, and D (tocopherol) and major and trace minerals are all present in marine phytoplankton. In short, it contains almost every­thing one needs to sustain life. Therefore, it contains almost everything one needs to restore health by providing the raw materials to make new cells that function normally.”

Dr. Jerry Tennant, M.D.

“In my many years as a health practitioner, I have found Marine Phytoplankton to be one of the most superior products I have encountered. It has demonstrated remarkable health benefits by restoring and promoting balance and strength in all those that have used it, and the duration of use is unlimited. I am confident and grateful to recommend it to my patients, my colleagues and my family as pure and healthy support for optimal health and well being.”

~ Dr. Lisa J. Lundy, B.Sc., D.TCM

“Eighty percent of the diseases doctors see are chronic conditions, which occur because we’re not eating right. Most people fall victim to whatever foods they see on television. The micronutrients and electrolytes in natural Marine Plankton are exactly what human cell membranes need to carry out their metabolism. Not surprisingly, the composition of human plasma, or fluid surrounding cell membranes, is similar to that of sea water. Relying solely on land-based food sources may lead to deficiencies in these micronutri­ents and electrolytes. While transient sub-optimal nutrition may be forgiven, a constant diet lacking in these micronutrients will adversely affect every function, structure, and detoxification functions of the human cell, leading to practically all diseases. There are very few products that provide all, or even most, of the raw materials to make new cells and sustain the existing ones.

The problem is that we need ALL of them at the same time. One of those rare products that contains almost everything you need for life (and the rebuilding of a healthy life) is marine phytoplankton. It contains the nine amino acids that the body cannot make. The essential fatty acids are also present (Omega 3 and Omega 6). Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D and major and trace minerals are all present. Marine phytoplankton can reduce harmful effects of stress, depression and mood swings.”

~ Hugo Rodier M.D.

“As a health care practitioner, I am open to excellent products to enhance the health of my patients. I have experienced Marine Phytoplankton to be compatible with patients with no side effects. Phytoplankton is just pure, nutrient dense nutrition. This product is a natural combination of nutrients including antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fatty acids for good health.”

~ Dr. Penny Pals, D.C

As a natural health practitioner, I have spent the past 10 years researching and trying hundreds of nutritional supplements and dietary programs. I came to the conclusion about 3 years ago that “loading” patients up with bottles of vitamins, herbs, enzymes, and other assorted supplements was not the solution because this approach was too overwhelming and time-consuming for the majority of people to follow. Since then I have become a proponent of whole foods (super-greens) type foods and have tried




Marine Phytoplankton-Medicine of the Future

Micro Algae Nannochloropsis (Marine Phytoplankton)

“The future of nutrition is found in the ocean.” — Jacques Yves Cousteau

The Food and Medicine of the Future

Marine phytoplankton makes up one quarter of all vegetation, both land and sea. According to NASA, it provides up to 90% of the oxygen in the air that we breathe. In essence, marine phytoplankton produces more oxygen than all of the Earth’s forests combined. All the scientific research indicates that marine phytoplankton may be the single most important food on planet Earth; not only because of the nutritional content of the phytoplankton, but also due to the fact that marine phytoplankton is food for everything on Earth — it is the very meaning of food.”

Marine Pytoplankton is an Excellent Source of Energy

Normally, our bodies have to break down everything we eat into little packets of protein, sugar, fats and oils. These items are then then put into one end of the mitochondria factory, which then come out the other side as tiny energy units called nucleotides. These are ATP, ADP, AGP, etc. These nucleotides are the currency of the cell — which means they are biological battery packets that are used to produce cellular energy. The nucleotides in phytoplankton actually bypass the mitochondria production factory altogether because phytoplankton nucleotides directly feed the cell with the energy. For this reason, a cell can produce energy quickly and effectively without having to use up all the energy required during the digestion process.

The effect of taking medium to high dosages of marine phytoplankton daily, will be increased energy with no stimulation. The ATP and other nucleotides found in the plankton turn directly into energy once they are in the human body. This makes marine phytoplankton the leading superfood product in the world.  The ones who will benefit most from it are those needing to work extra hard in high-stress environments without sleep and who require long-term energy and focus, without stimulants. In this department, marine phytoplankton is unsurpassed. 

Marine Phytoplankton Contains:

  • Chlorophyll (type A)
  • EPA (Eicosapentaenoic omega 3 essential fatty acids)
  • Astaxanthin and Canthaxanthin
  • Phospholipids
  • Beta carotene and zeaxanthin
  • Violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, vaucheriaxanthin
  • Complete protein
  • Coq9