As the US leading supplier of marine phytoplankton powder, people often ask us why we sell powder over liquid marine phytoplankton. And that’s a good question, which we’d like to address in this blog post.
A simple answer
We sell marine phytoplankton powder because we’re confident it’s an absolutely superior product, which preserves the delicate cellular integrity of the phytoplankton more efficiently.
Marine phytoplankton powder
On average, a liter of seawater contains between one hundred thousand and one hundred million plankton algae. It’s a nutrient dense, near perfect food and the food industry is only now waking up to the extraordinary power of plankton.
The drying process of plankton is no mean feat. The super abundance of nutrients need to be preserved, while eliminating rival strains and any completing bacteria.
Happy phytoplankton makes for the best nutritional supplement
Growing phytoplankton is a very delicate process. Our marine phytoplankton is not grown in the open ocean due to
pollution concerns, instead this product is grown under controlled, purified conditions in a photo-bioreactor located in the European Union.
Our phytoplankton is produced using genuine sea salts provided straight from the sea and other natural minerals. Only natural ingredients are used in the phytoplankton growing process, ensuring our product is of the highest quality possible for human consumption.
If phytoplankton is stressed during its growth cycle, the cell wall hardens, which is not something we want in a nutritional supplement. The lab does everything possible to keep the marine phytoplankton happy, which means optimum growing conditions and a very gentle, organic drying process which doesn’t disturb the integrity of the product.
Our algae processing is done according to the DIN ISO 9001 : 2000 standards, and is also HACCP certified.
Powder equals better value for money
In addition to the above mentioned cellular integrity of our marine phytoplankton, it simply makes sense to us that offering you 100% of what you’re paying for is better value for money than a product that’s diluted.
For these reasons, we offer the purest, 100% unadulterated powder dried straight from nature’s source.