A few months ago, no one imagined that we would face this level of confinement, but the threat of the COVID-19 changed everyone’s life. Schools suspended classes, theaters canceled shows, and many couples were forced to postpone their weddings. Companies were also forced to implement teleworking. No wonder the government will implement a countrywide lockdown to stop the spread of the virus. In some countries like Europe and South Korea, citizens already know the challenge, and they have implemented the lockdown. There are fines for leaving your house without a concrete reason, while in other countries, there is a complete curfew.
Lockdown is preventive isolation in which, over some time, one or more people are closed for health reasons since the risk of contagion is relatively higher. In recent months, the COVID-19 outbreak has caused millions of people worldwide to be placed in lockdown. The coronavirus outbreak is forcing thousands of people to go into lockdown, all around the world. If you are afraid of getting caught in the heat and are not prepared to isolate yourself at home, here are series of tips about what you need to have and what you can do to keep yourself entertained during the process.
Gather Basic Necessities
First of all, let’s talk about the basic products and instruments that you will need to be able to stay at home for a long period. You might be in lockdown for a few weeks, so it is important to get all the necessary products. You will need food, plenty of it, preferably non-perishable or complex foods so that, if at any time the power goes out in your home, they are not spoiled by the need to stay in the fridge.
Save Fresh Water
Don’t forget water. Although it is perhaps the least necessary, in certain areas, tap water is not fit for drinking, and bottled water is often purchased as a replacement. If this is your case, it will be useful to have a supply of natural water that could last for at least a month.
Get Medicine
Finally, get medicines. They are necessary both to face the disease and to prevent or cure any complications that may occur. Also, get essential medicines for those who have any health problems or diseases. On the other hand, vitamins and antacids are recommended. Check the expiration dates as well. Other secondary things that you cannot miss are, in case you forget, toilet paper, feminine and intimate hygiene products, toothpaste, and diapers in case you have children.
Prepare to Deal with a Mental Breakdown
Being in a lockdown can cause serious consequences for your mental health. Staying cut off from other people for many days can have a great psychological impact on you. Some of the side effects of remaining in lockdown, according to the study published in the British journal Lancet, are post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, or insomnia. Conditioning factors include fear of infection, frustration, boredom, inadequate information, or large financial loss.
To avoid possible seclusion due to lockdown, experts recommend maintaining continuous telephone contact with people like your friends and family. Also, try to continually do things that keep you busy, like reading, playing games, or watching movies. It is a good idea to be subscribed to a series catalog.
Keep the Contact of Healthcare Facilities
Living between fear and isolation is not easy, and experts have already published guides to help people take care of their mental health during a forced lockdown. Finally, and if you have any questions, keep the contact number of your health care available in your autonomous community.
Make a Plan for Self Reflection
Try to see this period of isolation as an opportunity to reflect, think, and try to reconnect with yourself and with those around you. There are certain formulas to turn around the pessimism that isolation generates; think of this as your responsibility towards mankind. It can also alleviate the low spirits knowing that the situation favors an opportunity that normally we do not generally have; to lower the rhythm of life, to be collected at home, to share time with our family, etc. Ask yourself what was that what you always wanted to do at home, but you never had time.
As for the population at risk, the institution believes that it is essential to trust the health authorities and find a middle ground. Experts call not to trivialize risk or magnify it, but they invite you to prepare for possible isolation with leisure plans while allowing you to carry a daily routine.
Plan Your Routine
According to the experts, at first, many will experience anxiety and stress from the changes. It is normal because everyday habits will be altered completely. The secret is to establish a strict routine in this new space and not abandon it until the last minute. Fear comes when people feel that they are not in control, but simply planning work hours, leisure hours, or exercise hours, and sticking to them, can be very relaxing.
Plan Work from Home
For many, the biggest challenge will be keeping to work hours. In a family environment and with the bed a few meters away, some find it difficult to concentrate. In order not to lose productivity, it is recommended to follow the usual routine. If you get up at 6 but don’t start working until 8, you should not lie down for those two hours, but take advantage of them to do other activities, such as exercise. So your body will be in harmony with the place. Other experts recommend having constant contact with bosses and colleagues since it will allow evaluating performance at home. That feedback helps keep your feet on the ground.
Prepare Activities with Children
If you don’t want your children’s activities to get affected by your work, then reconcile with them with a list of objectives to be met. That will keep expectations clear, but it will also prevent them from spending hours on TikTok and other shows as if they were on vacation. Parents should embrace this crisis as an opportunity for young children to watch classic movies or delve into areas of personal interest. We could see this period as a small independent study.
Negotiate With Your Family
Spending 24 hours a day together can spark family conflict. Due to the coronavirus, the divorce rate in China has soared in recent months, according to the Asian newspaper Global Times. To avoid this, it is necessary to remember that everyone needs their space, so couples must negotiate time alone, as well as share the burden of children. Home is associated with moments of rest, and it can be difficult to establish the limit, although you should take it easy; take advantage of lunches to connect with your partner, but also take out time to go for a walk around or meditate. In this way, the challenging time of lockdown will be spent doing something constructive.
People must prepare for this experience, but not by buying dozens of rolls of toilet paper, alcohol, or food, but by planning how to organize and schedule activities. Thus, you will not develop cabin fever or the irritability and anxiety that comes from being confined for several days. There are a series of tips that you can follow to help deal with a possible lockdown. Follow these tips to keep your family entertained and spend the bad time in solace.