Dog lovers and keepers are well aware of the problems that can accompany their furry friends. Allergy is one of the problems. It can be triggered because of the protein in their urine, saliva, and skin cells. Some common symptoms include runny nose, sneezing, or hay fever. Sensitive people may experience asthma or even difficulty while breathing.
The best you can do to avoid dog allergies is to limit your proximity to the animal. Dogs with fur can be more allergenic than those without it. Nonetheless, if you are unfortunate enough to get allergy, then you may require medical treatment to get over the ailment. Staying away from your pet while staying in close proximity may not be unavoidable, so you have to adopt habits and ways that keep your dog allergy-free.
Dogs can carry certain types of allergies, and the cure depends on it. Take, for instance, Flea Allergy Dermatitis; you can save your dog the trouble by treating the fleas. Then you can always change his diet to treat food intolerance or even allergy. If you find your dog scratching often, not eating enough or staying lethargic then take him to the vet on an immediate basis. Urgent treatment can comfort him and ease the situation for you as well. You can also opt for the following 8 ways that can be extremely helpful in keeping dog allergies at bay.
1.Vitamin E for Dogs with Dry Skin
Vitamin has many benefits, both for humans and animals alike. Dogs have dry skin and because of this, they shed flakes of dry skin. To cure the condition, you can always apply vitamin e oil in his bathing routine. To do so, you may relax your dog and treat its skin; you can directly apply vitamin E oil. A soothing bath with added vitamin E in the water tub will do the job, or you can also add vitamin E oil in the food that he eats. If you are giving the vitamin orally, check the recommended dosage for your dog with your vet. Here you can see a good Vitamin E oil for your dog link…
2. Yogurt and Acidophilus for Yeast Infections in Dogs
Plain yogurt is good for the overall health of your dog. Plain yogurt helps to retain good bacteria in the intestines of your dog and gets rid of the bad bacteria. If your dog takes antibiotics, a small amount of yogurt can also help to keep away the yeast infections.
You can also provide acidophilus pills to your dog if he doesn’t like the taste of yogurt. Puppies are particularly prone to yeast infections, so plain yogurt given as a snack can help balance things. It is highly useful and builds immunity by treating the intestinal system.
3. Chamomile Tea
Chamomile tea may relieve minor irritations to the skin. Just cool it in the refrigerator, and sprinkle on the itchy, affected parts of your dog. Your dog will experience an immediate relieving impact since chilled tea consumes the skin’s yeast or bacteria.
You can also use a warm tea bag to soothe sore or irritated/disturbed eyes. Chamomile tea also makes use of the chamomile plant’s inherent disinfecting properties to calm distressed tummies. It’s also recommended for colic, anxiety and pain.
4. Oatmeal to Reduce Itching
Finely ground oatmeal can be the best treatment for irritated skin. You may use cereal made from oatmeal or grind it in a food processor. Stir the oatmeal in a hot water bath and allow the dog to soak in it. By following this strategy, dogs will get immediate relief.
5. Epsom Salt Bath for the Wounds of Dogs
A bath made of salt Epsom and hot water will help to reduce swelling and increase healing time. In particular, if combined with prescribed antibiotics and veterinary surveillance, it can work wonders. You can get Epsom salt here…link
6. Essential Oil for Dog Skin Allergies
Essential oil is a great source to relieve pains and skin issues not only for humans but also for dogs; a range of oils can be perfect. Cannabis oil can be a comprehensive cure; it can be mixed with carrier oils such as sesame or coconut oil. It can be rubbed into the skin, as it is very effective in removing allergies and cures intestinal problems of the dog. Cannabis oil decreases inflammatory response and pain, both topically and internally through the endocannabinoid system of the dog. Many older dogs do not develop eczema from a new allergen. But their endocannabinoid system starts to fail and does not generate endocannabinoids sufficiently to control the inflammatory response. And so, the dog’s wellbeing depends on cannabinoids from the Cannabis plant. It must be used or applied regularly to keep the itches under control and to prevent skin infections.
Some essential oils can be perfect for your dog’s skin allergies. The five essential oils are ideal for dogs with allergies;
7. Benadryl can Control Itching Problem
If they have trouble sleeping at night due to prolonged scratching/itching, try giving them some Benadryl one milligram per pound of body weight twice daily, not exceeding 50 mg. If the problem of scratching /itching persists, there is a risk that your dog has fleas.
Get your dog to sit in front of you and comb your way through his fur; you can see small black dots sewn into the fur like beads. These are fleas. Fleas are not only harmful to your dog’s health but for your health too. Fleas can infest the carpets and cause itching on your feet as well. Remember to administer tick and flea treatment routinely.
Biospot, Advantix, and Frontline during warm months can help your dog in this matter.
8. Proper Selection of Food
If you have changed your dog’s diet recently, they may also develop a problem with the new food. So it’s better to consult the vet before switching to a new diet.
Taking care of these few things can save your time, protect your health, and keep your pet healthy, simultaneously.