We love our fur babies. We hope for a healthy, long life, full of wonderful memories. We love the excitement of our dog when we come home from work, school, etc. Our bond with our dog is strong and we do whatever it takes to ensure they feel the great love we have for them.
While many ways to keep our dogs in tip-top shape are obvious, some are not.
Here are some simple ways to have a healthier dog:
High-Quality Diet
You want to ensure your fur baby receives a good balance of nutrition. It is important to take a little time to study the breed of canine you have chosen to be your best friend and to understand what their diet should consist of. Of course, there is an easy way of dry dog food at the local market. Many brands today now tend to be high-quality, unlike in the past.
On the other hand, there is high-end food which is cooked or raw homemade food. This way, you know exactly what is in it. When preparing your own dog food, you need to know the balance of carbs, proteins, and fats that are best for your dog’s breed and size. The minerals and vitamins must be balanced.
You can also add supplements to your store-bought or homemade dog food to ensure they get the best nutrition.
Oral Hygiene
Taking the time needed to care for your dog’s teeth can be the difference between a long life and a short life. In fact, bad breath from your dog can be an indicator of something serious and they should see their veterinarian as soon as possible. The real issues come from plaque and bacteria that build up and can get to your dog’s heart and end their life early.
If you begin taking care of their teeth at a young age and brush their teeth, that is best. To help there are sprays and daily dental chewies. If you still notice bad breath, your fur buddy might need a professional cleaning at the vet.
Know What is Toxic to Your Dog
Xylitol is in gum and other baked goods and can kill your dog. Here is a list of what to keep away from your dogs’ stomach:
Apple seeds, avocado, alcohol, toothpaste and mouthwash, caffeine, tea, coffee, candy, chewing gum, chocolate, cat food, corn on the cob, cooked bones, grapes and raisins, fat trimmings, hops, garlic, human vitamins, marijuana, liver, milk and other dairy products in quantity, macadamia nuts, chives and onions, raw fish, salt, sugar, peppers, persimmon, yeast, plum and peach pits, rhubarb and tomato leaves, tobacco, xylitol.
Clean Your Pet Bowls
It is very important to change your dogs’ water regularly and clean the water and food bowls daily. Cleaning the water and food bowl regularly will ensure they get no unhealthy effects that can come with unwashed dog bowls.
For any questions on ways to keep your dog healthy, contact us today.