Ways to Get Your Chihuahua Started On A Raw Diet

Your Chihuahua is more than a pet, they are a family member, which means you want to make sure that you’re feeding them well. One of the best diets that vets and other pet professionals make is the raw food diet. This diet contains a good amount of nutrition and protein you’re unable to get with regular dog food diets that you purchase in the store.

A raw diet is one of the best diets that you can have your pet on. Not only just Chihuahuas but also a number of other pets can benefit from having a raw diet made of raw meats and veggies.

Why a Raw Food Diet for a Chihuahua?

Chihuahuas should eat a raw food diet because they are one of the longest living breeds. They need to eat a raw diet that is healthier for them. This can help them increase their lifespan, while also ensuring that they get the best possible outcome with help from this diet.

How Much Should the Chi Eat?

The Chi should ideally eat between 2-3% of their body weight in the amount of raw diet that they eat. This means just a few ounces of raw meat for every feeding. This means just a heaping tablespoon of food for some of the smallest of pups.

Making sure that the pup not only gets this raw meat, but also the fruits and veggies that they need throughout the day might seem tough to do, but it is possible. Fruits and veggies can be given as treats and snacks throughout the day or added into the meal during mealtime depending on how good of an eater your pup is.

You can adjust the serving size depending on the size of the dog, as well as their activity level to ensure that they get the best possible outcome from the amount of food that they are ingesting. It is important that they not only get the best nutrition from the amount of food given in this raw food diet, but also with the supplements that are being given alongside the food that is offered 2-3 times per day. This is important, as you want to match the dogs’ weight, healthy, lifestyle, and exercise level.

Adding supplements to your pet’s diet can be one of the best things to do when considering a raw diet. One of the best supplements on the market is natural vitamins and marine phytoplankton that are derived from all-natural ingredients. When you take the best step forward for your pet’s health, you’re helping them gain a step above in the health department. These supplements can help.

It is important to speak with your vet regarding the raw diet you’re considering, as you want to ensure that you’re doing what is best for your pup. Your vet can let you know if this is the best diet for you to feed your pup based on their health history and other factors, so you can ensure you’re doing the best thing for your pet. Speak with them today.

4 Easy Ways for a Healthier Dog

We love our fur babies. We hope for a healthy, long life, full of wonderful memories. We love the excitement of our dog when we come home from work, school, etc. Our bond with our dog is strong and we do whatever it takes to ensure they feel the great love we have for them.

While many ways to keep our dogs in tip-top shape are obvious, some are not.

Here are some simple ways to have a healthier dog:

High-Quality Diet

You want to ensure your fur baby receives a good balance of nutrition. It is important to take a little time to study the breed of canine you have chosen to be your best friend and to understand what their diet should consist of. Of course, there is an easy way of dry dog food at the local market. Many brands today now tend to be high-quality, unlike in the past.

On the other hand, there is high-end food which is cooked or raw homemade food. This way, you know exactly what is in it. When preparing your own dog food, you need to know the balance of carbs, proteins, and fats that are best for your dog’s breed and size. The minerals and vitamins must be balanced.

You can also add supplements to your store-bought or homemade dog food to ensure they get the best nutrition.

Oral Hygiene

Taking the time needed to care for your dog’s teeth can be the difference between a long life and a short life. In fact, bad breath from your dog can be an indicator of something serious and they should see their veterinarian as soon as possible. The real issues come from plaque and bacteria that build up and can get to your dog’s heart and end their life early.

If you begin taking care of their teeth at a young age and brush their teeth, that is best. To help there are sprays and daily dental chewies. If you still notice bad breath, your fur buddy might need a professional cleaning at the vet.

Know What is Toxic to Your Dog

Xylitol is in gum and other baked goods and can kill your dog. Here is a list of what to keep away from your dogs’ stomach:

Apple seeds, avocado, alcohol, toothpaste and mouthwash, caffeine, tea, coffee, candy, chewing gum, chocolate, cat food, corn on the cob, cooked bones, grapes and raisins, fat trimmings, hops, garlic, human vitamins, marijuana, liver, milk and other dairy products in quantity, macadamia nuts, chives and onions, raw fish, salt, sugar, peppers, persimmon, yeast, plum and peach pits, rhubarb and tomato leaves, tobacco, xylitol.

Clean Your Pet Bowls

It is very important to change your dogs’ water regularly and clean the water and food bowls daily. Cleaning the water and food bowl regularly will ensure they get no unhealthy effects that can come with unwashed dog bowls.

For any questions on ways to keep your dog healthy, contact us today.

Simple Ways to Improve Your Dog’s Diet

Your dog is more than a pet, they are a family member. You want to make sure that they are treated as such. This means providing them with the tools needed to not only live a long life but a healthy one. This can include supplements, exercise, and the best diet that helps them grow stronger, bigger, and healthier but also gives them the nutrition and energy they need to make it through the day.


There are many ways that you can improve your dog’s diet, and these ways are not even hard to implement. Using these tips can help you keep your dog happy and healthy and ensure that they are going to live their best life, especially with you helping them.


  1. Add in raw veggies to the food that they eat. If you feed them commercial dog food, that is fine but fortifying it with additional pieces of food might be a great way to increase the number of vitamins and minerals they are able to get. Raw veggies or steamed veggies are one of the best ways to boost these vitamins.
  2. Adding in eggs or meat can provide additional protein to the food that they are eating. This helps them get a nice boost in the amount of nutrition that comes from the food, besides the generic food.
  3. Add Marine Phytoplankton into their diet as a supplement. This is listed as number three, but it is one of the biggest and best things you can do for your pet. You can sprinkle this onto their diet that you have already prepared that they are used to, so they get the nutrition that boosts their immunity and gives them great nutrition.
  4. Dairy is a great addition to put in the food. You want to make sure to use dairy that does not have additives in it. You want to watch out for artificial sugars or flavors, as these can be a problem. Yogurt, cottage cheese, and goat’s milk are all great dairy additions to put in the food.
  5. Fatty acids are great to add to the food, so you want to think about the essential oils that come with some of the food. You can find these in fish oils and other oils providing amino acids and more.


You can find so many ways to boost your dog’s health and lifespan with the use of the many things you can add to their diet, or even just providing more exercise and stimulation can be a great way to go about giving your pup a little bit more.


Asking your vet about some of the other ways that you can help your dog live a bit longer and have a happier, more fulfilled life is a great way to find out other methods for boosting your dog’s health. Remember, a healthy dog is always a happy dog when it comes to providing them with the best nutrition and life that they can possibly get from a company.

How Many Times a Day Should I Feed My Adult Dog?

Have you ever considered, “How often should I feed my dog?” Dog do well with routine. While they are unable to keep track of time in the same ways as we do, a dog’s internal clock, or circadian rhythm, helps them determine when it is time for a routine task. So, if you are like many other dog owners and have wondered, “How many times per day should my dog eat?” continue reading to find out.

Adult Dog Eating Schedule

Food – Most adult dogs should eat twice a day. By eating twice, it aids in digestion and keeps their metabolism stable. An example of a dog feeding schedule would be:

  • 8:00 a.m. – Breakfast
  • 7:00 p.m. – Dinner

To help keep your adult dog healthy, consider looking into various supplements, this includes marine phytoplankton. Marine phytoplankton has numerous vitamins, proteins, minerals, essential fats, and antioxidants. It benefits both dogs and cats, including help for allergies, heart disease, kidney functions, skin issues, and much more.

Water– Once you establish an ideal feeding schedule, the next step would be creating a schedule for fresh water for your furry friend. Typically, it is ideal to leave your dog a fresh bowl of water each morning and evening. Additionally, after any type of activity, your dog should have fresh water. If you have a dog that overdrinks or if you are working on housetraining, you can schedule the times and amount you provide it. However, increase the amount if your dog seems to be thirsty. An example of monitoring water would be:

  • 8:00 a.m. – Clean bowl and fill half-way
  • Noon – Rinse out water bowl and refill half-way
  • 5:00 p.m. – Rinse bowl out and fill half-way
  • Bedtime – Clean water bowl and fill 1/4 of the way

Play – Play is vital to maintain a dog’s skills, just to have fun, and to provide stimulation. Play can include a game of fetch, a doggie play date, or when you are away you can consider interactive toys. To include two play sessions per day, consider this example:

  • 9:00 a.m. – Take the time to spend at least fifteen minutes playing.
  • 4:30 p.m. – Consider something creative such as hide and seek or schedule a play date.

Activity – Activity is crucial for a dog’s physical and mental health. If Possible, your dog should be walked at least two times per day for thirty minutes. If you are unable to walk your furry friend at least twice a day, consider employing the services of a dog walker. Take note, there are other activities besides walking like the dog park. An example activity schedule would be:

  • 7:30 a.m. – Before his/her breakfast, take them on a thirty-minute walk.
  • Noon – If possible, take them on an afternoon walk.
  • 6:30 p.m. – Before his/her dinner, take them on another thirty-minute walk.

Sleep – Unlike humans, dogs sleep more frequently and for shorter periods. The average dog sleeps fourteen hours a day. Also, the REM cycle for dogs is more active than humans. However, it is time to check for any illness if your dog sleeps more than sixteen hours a day. You will naturally build a good sleeping routine by scheduling his/her activities throughout the day.

What Happens When You give Your Dog Marine Phytoplankton?

Marine phytoplankton is thought to be one of the most nutritious plants in the world. It has high levels of antioxidants, chlorophyll (type A), zeaxanthin, beta carotene, a source of omega 3 fatty acid EPA, and a complete vegan protein.

Since marine phytoplankton is so tiny, they can quickly move with no speed restriction. These organisms are able to take a detour around the digestive system and the liver. They release rich nutrients into our cells and are immediately absorbed by our system. The organism’s detour lets our body extract much of the essential trace minerals as well as other crucial properties than if it was forced to go through the normal processing factories.

The king of detox is the liver. Since it is the largest organ in the human body, it takes up a lot of space inside the rib cage (The skin is the largest organ). The liver can take a respite when nutrients are cellularly absorbed since it works non-stop to filter blood, metabolize fats, proteins, carbs, and produces protein.

Marine phytoplankton supplements also allow the body to cleanse naturally. One of the ingredients is a major antioxidant called Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). In fact, this powerful antioxidant is a human’s most powerful and effective antioxidant enzyme. SOD has many responsibilities such as removing potentially harmful toxins from your body and it protects cells.

Benefits of a Cleanse

Just imagine never changing your car’s oil filter and oil. Lacking this change will let all types of foreign objects and dirt to accumulate. As a consequence, the car’s engine will not function optimally. Normal processes can even be affected by the smallest particles. Consider your body as a super machine, however, when our four major internal systems begin to clog with toxins, your body can expect some breakdowns. For example, when the liver is in overdrive, the body’s metabolism is disrupted. Some signals that show you are in need of a cleanse include the inability to sleep well, fatigue, and obesity. These are the immune and hormonal systems, along with the gut and liver. The liver may be overloaded by too many toxins, making reinforcements needed.

Marine phytoplankton supplements can provide such assistance. And, it is easily added to your daily routine.

Can Dogs Benefit from Marine Phytoplankton

Our four-legged friends can also receive many benefits from nutrients within marine phytoplankton powder. The digestive system must first break down the dog’s food for it to be processed and converted into energy. The one-cell organism of marine phytoplankton is directly absorbed into cells, delivering an abundance of essential properties.

To support a dog’s immune system and joint health, the dog can obtain Omega-3 fatty acids.

Marine phytoplankton can help pets who have a mineral deficiency as well. This tiny organism contains a wealth of trace minerals including copper, iron, and manganese. These trace minerals can increase enzyme and biological functions in a dog by helping with digestion, maintaining a healthy thyroid, and helping to regulate hormones.

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Ways to Naturally Improve Mobility In Older Dogs


Your dog depends on you for exercise, nutrition, training, and affection. As they age, they tend to require more attention. Your dog takes longer to get up; moves more slowly and stiffly. It seems that suddenly your dog doesn’t want to take the stairs. Or, want to jump on the bed as they used to when they were younger.

As your dog ages, they show symptoms of arthritis. Symptoms will generally appear by the time they are six or seven years old. Arthritis occurs when the immune system attacks the joints tissue. This results in cartilage becoming thinner which lets the joints rub together. This leads to pain and inflammation.

Pain medicine and steroids can be helpful. However, this step is only taken as a last resort for most dog owners. In fact, prevention is the best way to improve mobility in older dogs.

Supplements and Nutrition

To slow down the process of arthritis, your dog requires an anti-inflammatory diet full of Omega 3’s. To complement this anti-inflammatory diet, there are several natural supplements available. These will naturally improve your dog’s joint health.


Phytoplankton is the basis of the food chain. All ocean life depends on it. Phytoplankton is a microscopic plant that helps your dog dispose of toxins and absorb nutrients. Marine phytoplankton is touted as a superfood. It contains more omega 3’s by weight than any other food source.

Moreover, it’s important to check where the marine phytoplankton is sourced and that it’s not man-made in lakes or ponds. If so, the marine phytoplankton could possibly be exposed to toxins. This supplement comes in a powder and does not require refrigeration.

Fish Oil

One of the best-known sources of Omega 3’s is fish. However, fish do not naturally produce omega 3’s. In fact, fish get omega 3’s from the phytoplankton they digest. Furthermore, fish oil may cause side effects. These include bad odor and gas and it also requires refrigeration. So, it is best to avoid fish oil when there are other options available.

Chiropractic Manipulation

Some veterinarians perform chiropractic manipulation. Adjustments are performed to the joints of the extremities and the spine. Realigning the vertebrae may alleviate the stiffness of arthritis and help muscle spasms. This therapy has risks and should be performed by qualified veterinarians only.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method that utilizes tiny needles on meridians of the body. It provides balance and helps with self-healing. This treatment is non-invasive and is usually well-received by dogs. Acupuncture provides many benefits for older dogs with arthritis.

Sports Massage

A canine sports massage therapist uses their fingers and hands to remove spasms and manipulate muscles in the body. By doing so, circulation is increased, endorphins are released, and synovial fluid to the joints is improved. This results in a reduction of stiffness and a natural pain reliever.

Top Reasons Your Dog Needs Phytoplankton



Phytoplankton is a small, microscopic plant that is the basis of the ocean’s food chain. All ocean life needs this plant. In fact, phytoplankton is extremely high in health and nutrition benefits.  It is also one of the most important sources of nutrition on this planet.  This microscopic plant is not just a piece of seaweed when it comes to your dog’s health. It is really potent.

Phytoplankton contains almost every nutrient your dog requires and are single-cell organisms. The entire ocean is fueled by its nutrition and it can fuel your dog with the following:

  • Antioxidants
  • Essential fatty acids
  • Essential amino acids
  • Vitamins
  • Chlorophyll
  • Carotenoids
  • Trace minerals
  • Protein

Fighting cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and other devastating diseases are just as crucial for dogs as it is for humans. Continue reading to learn more ways that phytoplankton can boost your dogs’ health.

Omega – 3 Fats

Omega- 3 fats are hyped as influential in numerous treatments and systemic processes. These include kidney function, skin conditions, cognitive function, allergies, arthritis, heart disease, lymphoma, reduce inflammation, and more. Dogs are unable to produce their own omega- 3 fatty acids. So, a key way to deliver it to our canine friends is through supplements.

Fish obtain their omega-3 fats from phytoplankton. Many times, this oil is extracted from fish for the use of supplements. However, there are issues including lack of sustainability, oxidation, and high levels of pollutants and toxic metals. So, a safer environmentally-friendly way to administer omega- 3 is through phytoplankton.


Phytoplankton does not have to be broken down in the stomach since it is absorbed through the mucous membranes. This means, 100 percent of its nutritional qualities are available to the dog’s body on a cellular level. In fact, dogs with digestive issues or elderly dogs may have difficulty obtaining essential nutrients via food sources only.

Liver Health

The liver is responsible for detoxification and the absorption of essential nutrients. The liver is vital for a dog or human to live a healthy life. It’s the main organ responsible for metabolic processes.

Your dog’s ability to absorb nutrients through food diminishes as they age. And, since this microscopic plant is absorbed on a cellular level, it provides the liver with a break from metabolizing crucial nutrients as well as detoxifying. Also, for maximum benefits, only a small dose of the plant is needed.

Fight Cancer and Disease

Antioxidants are mentioned a lot in the media and the news. What are antioxidants and what makes them so important? Antioxidants inhibit oxidation. Phytoplankton is full of antioxidants. This means it has the ability to reduce or prevent cell damage in a human as well as your dog.

Supports Healthy Aging

In addition to being readily absorbed, phytoplankton is a superfood supporting healthy aging since it can:

  • Improve digestion
  • Help with detoxification
  • Support mobility and joint health
  • Improve cellular function
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Increase energy and stamina
  • Manage skin issues and allergies
  • Maintain healthy organ function
  • Reduce hyperactivity and anxiety

Prior to giving your dog any medication or supplement, be sure to check with your veterinarian. However, early evidence is inspiring that phytoplankton can be part of a healthy diet. And, can be a pure, safe, and sustainable way to improve your dog’s health and increase their longevity.

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How to Keep Your Dog Happy and Healthy

Keeping Your Dog Healthy

Your dog is more than just a pet, they’re a member of your family! Just like any family member, you want to make certain your furry friend is happy and healthy. Keeping your pets healthy is important since they can’t always speak for themselves when they’re not feeling well. If you’re worried about your dog’s health, here are a few things you can do to make certain they’re as healthy as possible.

Make Sure They’re Eating Right

Are you feeding your dog the correct amount of food? A study published by the American Chemical Society entitled “Metabonomic Investigations of Aging and Caloric Restriction in a Life-Long Dog Study” actually showed that dogs who ate about 25 percent less than what most vets and pet food manufacturers recommended lived on average two years longer than other dogs. This means that just like people, dogs who are a healthy weight live longer and have fewer health issues.

It’s also important to remember that dogs don’t have the same health needs as humans. Feeding your dog table scraps is often much worse than giving him too much dog food. Human food often contains much more sodium, sugars, and other things that are not good for your pets.

Finally, be sure the dog food you’re feeding your pet is actually good for them. Some of the cheaper dog foods don’t contain that much actual meat. Any dog foods that are high in corn or wheat gluten, food dyes, or BHA/BHT should be avoided.

Exercise Is Important, too

Of course, just like with humans, exercise is also a very important part of staying healthy. You need to make certain your dog gets the exercise they need on a regular basis. That means you have to go out walking more than once every few weeks. You need to walk your dog at least a few times a week plus give them space to run around. If your dog is kept in the house all day, you’ll need to offer them some way of exercising when you get home. If you don’t have a backyard, that means you need to take them walking or to the dog park regularly.

Exercise does more than just help your dog maintain a healthy weight. It also helps them feel less stressed and have fun. It also has some great benefits for you, too, since it gets you to exercise.

Look into Supplements

There are also some very beneficial supplements you can give to your dog to keep them healthy. Of course, as with food, you want to make certain that you’re feeding your dog the best supplements possible. For example, fish oil supplements aren’t exactly good for your pets. One of the best supplements available for dogs is marine phytoplankton. This supplement will help keep your dog’s coat shiny, boost their immune system, and help keep their heart, brain, eyes, and skin healthy. It’s high in omega-3 fatty acids, a vital supplement.

Then there’s sunflower lecithin. This type of fatty substance can be found naturally in sunflowers, and it helps with cholesterol and boost the circulatory and nervous systems. While some supplements include soy lecithin, sunflower lecithin actually has a number of benefits over soy. It contains no chemicals, is high in choline and other fatty acids, and won’t cause any type of allergic reaction.

These are just a few ways of keeping your dog happy and healthy. With a good diet, exercise, and the right supplements, your furry friend will avoid many of the common health issues dogs face as they age.

Mr Ros Marine Phytoplankton for Dogs and Cats


The Benefits of Marine Phytoplankton for Dogs and Cats

We all love our furry friends, whether they’re dogs or cats. Just coming home to one of these pets can turn a bad day into one that doesn’t seem so horrible. They’re loyal, they’re comforting, and they’re fun to be around. They’re also a member of your family, and as such, you want what’s best for them. Just like you make sure you and your children get the nutrients you need, you also want to make certain your dogs and cats are healthy and fit. One way of making certain that they’re getting all of the nutrients they need is to give them marine phytoplankton.

What Is Marine Phytoplankton? 

Marine phytoplankton is a type of single-celled organism that lives in the ocean. It’s also known for being incredibly dense in nutrients. It includes vitamins, minerals, proteins, antioxidants, essential fats, and other nutrients that the human, feline, and canine bodies need. It’s completely natural and healthy for all three of these species to digest. Anyone can make use of this supplement for extra energy and nutrients.

What Will Marine Phytoplankton Do for Your Pets?

Marine phytoplankton has a number of benefits for dogs and cats. Studies have examined how powdered phytoplankton can help your pets. The first major benefit is that this supplement is incredibly high in Omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help dogs and cats with allergies, skin issues, heart disease, arthritis, kidney functions, and much more.

One of the problems, though, is that most people only know of one source of omega-3 fatty acids: fish oil. While it’s fine for humans to take fish oil, this supplement isn’t that healthy for animals. In fact, it can actually be toxic to cats and dogs because the fatty acids in fish oil can oxidize when they’re exposed to air. That can cause inflammation, which can lead to a variety of different issues.

This isn’t the case with the fatty acids found in marine phytoplankton. Animals are able to easily make use of this source of Omega-3s. In fact, even if fish oil didn’t cause inflammation, marine phytoplankton is still the way to go since it has almost twice the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in it than the same amount of fish oil.

Give Your Cat or Dog an Amazing Coat!

Besides keeping your pets healthy, marine phytoplankton will have a visual effect on your animals. The nutrients in this super-food will transform their coats, giving them healthy, shiny fur. This, in turn, helps reduce scratching and shedding. That, combined with the fact that marine phytoplankton helps to reduce arthritis, joint pain, and joint inflammation will seem to take years off your pet’s age.

Give it a Try

You can find marine phytoplankton supplements for dogs and cats on Amazon, our webshop (see Below)and in some stores. It comes in a powder that can easily be mixed in with their food. Before you buy, though, always check to make sure that you’re purchasing high-quality marine phytoplankton so that you guarantee your pets are getting the very best.

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