We all love our furry friends, whether they’re dogs or cats. Just coming home to one of these pets can turn a bad day into one that doesn’t seem so horrible. They’re loyal, they’re comforting, and they’re fun to be around. They’re also a member of your family, and as such, you want what’s best for them. Just like you make sure you and your children get the nutrients you need, you also want to make certain your dogs and cats are healthy and fit. One way of making certain that they’re getting all of the nutrients they need is to give them marine phytoplankton.
What Is Marine Phytoplankton?
Marine phytoplankton is a type of single-celled organism that lives in the ocean. It’s also known for being incredibly dense in nutrients. It includes vitamins, minerals, proteins, antioxidants, essential fats, and other nutrients that the human, feline, and canine bodies need. It’s completely natural and healthy for all three of these species to digest. Anyone can make use of this supplement for extra energy and nutrients.
What Will Marine Phytoplankton Do for Your Pets?
Marine phytoplankton has a number of benefits for dogs and cats. Studies have examined how powdered phytoplankton can help your pets. The first major benefit is that this supplement is incredibly high in Omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help dogs and cats with allergies, skin issues, heart disease, arthritis, kidney functions, and much more.
One of the problems, though, is that most people only know of one source of omega-3 fatty acids: fish oil. While it’s fine for humans to take fish oil, this supplement isn’t that healthy for animals. In fact, it can actually be toxic to cats and dogs because the fatty acids in fish oil can oxidize when they’re exposed to air. That can cause inflammation, which can lead to a variety of different issues.
This isn’t the case with the fatty acids found in marine phytoplankton. Animals are able to easily make use of this source of Omega-3s. In fact, even if fish oil didn’t cause inflammation, marine phytoplankton is still the way to go since it has almost twice the amount of Omega-3 fatty acids in it than the same amount of fish oil.
Give Your Cat or Dog an Amazing Coat!
Besides keeping your pets healthy, marine phytoplankton will have a visual effect on your animals. The nutrients in this super-food will transform their coats, giving them healthy, shiny fur. This, in turn, helps reduce scratching and shedding. That, combined with the fact that marine phytoplankton helps to reduce arthritis, joint pain, and joint inflammation will seem to take years off your pet’s age.
Give it a Try
You can find marine phytoplankton supplements for dogs and cats on Amazon, our webshop (see Below)and in some stores. It comes in a powder that can easily be mixed in with their food. Before you buy, though, always check to make sure that you’re purchasing high-quality marine phytoplankton so that you guarantee your pets are getting the very best.
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