Managing and Recovering from Chronic Neck Pain

Chronic neck pain affects your daily life and can cause you to feel hopeless. My hope is that neck pain does not affect you. If it does, please read on. Neck pain is a problem I have been working through for a number of years now. I am 51 and have started to feel some relief. My recovery has included different steps and therapies, and I am sharing those experiences with you! Let’s explore what has caused to my neck pain in this post. We will dive into what I found helpful in my recovery. At the end of this article you will find usefull links to sources I am using.

Contributing Factors

Several factors I believe contributed to my terrible neck pains. Included in these are my work history, the aging process, past medical experiences, and a sedentary lifestyle. Working together, this group increased my neck pain, and made my daily life a struggle. Below I have explored some of the factors I found to be the biggest triggers of my neck pain. In working to relieve my neck pain, I was patient and persistent. I explored how much I sat, the breaks I took throughout the day, and my bad body alignment.

Work History

Several years ago, I worked as a bus driver. This is a job I no longer do, for a few reasons. The hours I worked were random and left me little chance to be active. Driving the bus also put my body in a painful stance throughout the shift. This worsened my pain. At this same time, I was also running my own business (and still am!) I was working long hours at a desk, which again was forcing my body into poor posture. I do still run my own business and have made changes to my work habits. Working both at driving the bus, and running my own business left me with no extra time, as well as exhausted. This made it hard to exercise and stay in shape.

Past Medical Experiences

In the past, I had surgery for my knees. This helped get rid of the pain in my joints. The surgery left me unable to play any sport involving a ball. I still work at being active and have had to change the way I move my body. In the past, my favorite sports had been tennis and soccer, and I found that I could no longer enjoy these. I started walking daily, for an hour. I also ride my bike. Cycling is not great for my neck, but here in Amsterdam, it is a great way to get around.

Habit Changes

About three years ago, my pain became worse. I knew I needed to change my habits. These habits are now part of my daily routine. I now go for massages almost weekly. This helps to release the tension in my muscles. Walking for one hour a day has also been helpful. In this hour I may walk around the block, or visit neighbors. This activity has helped me to become stronger. In my office I have also made some changes. I now make use of a work table with an adjustable height. This allows me to keep good posture during tasks. I also keep some items out of reach, forcing me to take a few extra steps throughout the day. Sometimes I will walk to another level in the building, visiting my brother. Other times I will work on my Lego projects. This also acts as a break from working in front of the computer. In my office I have also included a neck swing, attached to a door. This allows me to stretch my neck muscles while working.

Personal Insights

I am going to share with you my views into my own pain management. In working with my pain, I have set some boundaries for myself. I will very often say “no” to social outings. The limits I have in place are to protect my health. Explaining to family and friends the effect it would have on my pain has been very helpful in saying “no”. I used other treatment options. These will be talked about at length in the next post. Listening to my body, and being patient helped me as well.  I have also preformed my own research.  I have reviewed everything from treatment options, to mattresses and stretching,

I encourage you to examine these factors in your own life. Consider how they may be affecting your neck pain. My hope is that some of my tips will help. The results I achieved were due in part to being patient with myself during my healing journey. I also advise changing pain relief methods when needed.

Understanding The Long-Term Effects Of Chronic Pain

As promised , we are going to talk about the different options I experienced while treating my neck pain. I did not want to use pain killer tablets, and only took the odd Tylenol. I also experienced very little relief with these pills, leading me to other options. CBD oil that I use and is purchased from the chiropractor has been helpful. It has been difficult to find a good one, with only CBD and no THC.  I use it very sparingly and only when I feel as though my muscles need extra help to relax. When I first started using the CBD oil, I used too much. This caused my body to relax too much, and I needed to lay down for the night. Since then, I started using very small doses, and use it only when needed. I also found that lying flat on the floor helped to relieve my pain. At the office, I have a neck swing that I use. This helps to take pressure off my muscles and allows me to stretch. At home, I use a machine that provides electrical stimulation to my muscles. It pulses to relax tight muscles. I use it at bedtime and while watching TV.

Professionals I Worked With

Initially, I worked with my own doctor. We work as a team and are always teaching each other. She was the person who told me “sitting is the new smoking”, and I think you will hear this a lot in the future. She told me that if I didn’t make a change to my habits, and work on my health, I would be paralyzed. This was a great shock to me. My doctor is very open minded and is willing to research new pain control techniques, as well as review the ones I bring to her.

I also work with a physiotherapist. My experience with them has been positive. They have taught me many exercises and stretches to strengthen my neck. Some of the treatments they suggested worked, but there is never just one fix. I used a combination of many things. Many of these I still preform at home. I have also experienced dry needling. This hurts at the time of treatment and is a short-term fix. Dry needling allows for trigger points in my neck and shoulders to be relaxed. This loosens the muscles, and I can finish the exercises.

I have also worked with a chiropractor. It was always a relief to see him, and my pain was always less after an appointment. It was good to lay on the table and feel him realign my body. I often stopped going when the pain was less, and this made it worse. My pain was what I used to make changes in my day. While on holidays or while travelling, I used pain to adjust my body alignment to minimize pain.

Dr. De Haas is a specialist I worked with for 8 sessions. He is a Dutch man, and the only doctor of his kind. I would drive for several hours to see him. Dr. De Haas taught me how to properly sleep, and recommended new exercises, with the Flex Band. After my eight sessions, I felt relief. We will discuss sleep in this article as well. The Flex Band has allowed me to train my neck, and especially my shoulders.

I hate to diet to lose weight. I also found that working out in a gym was worsening my problem. I was exercising in short bursts, damaging my neck. This led me to research other ways to stay active. YouTube was helpful, as it showed me some good stretches, I was not aware of. I also started working with Critical Bench. Here, I learned hip exercises, that provided me with good results. I had to be patient and learn them. I started only doing a few minutes of the exercises before bed and have now increased the amount I do daily. I do 15 minutes before bed. Yoga is also something I have started doing to decrease my neck pain. I do not like to do this in a studio. I prefer to practice it at home, while listening to rock music. I complete a session in my home one to two times a week. In learning to move my body properly, I also use the Feldenkrais Method. This is a way to retrain your brain, and therefore, relearn how to move your body. I learned what I should be moving first, to move my body and experience less pain and better healing. I now turn from the waist first and allow my neck to follow. The body will remember what is good for it. This system uses a lot of stretching as well. I participate once a week and have seen fast improvement.

Posture and Physical Activity

Being aware of my posture while awake and while sleeping helped me to work through my neck pain. I am always aware of my body position and adjusting it for pain relief. I am sleeping well now. At first, I videotaped myself sleeping. I found that I was sleeping in a “U” shape, which did not support my neck. Dr. De Haas and Critical Bench both stressed the importance of good positioning during sleep. Knowing this, I spoke with a sleep specialist. I also performed a lot of my own research into sleep surfaces. I tested different mattresses. I now have one mattress with magnets, and one without. I prefer to sleep on a hard surface. This keeps my body straight and stops my neck from bending painfully. I found that finding the correct mattress and sleep changes easy to evaluate. If I have pain on waking, I evaluate it, and make changes. If my neck if painful at night, I will sleep with a neck pillow. I feel it is important to be adjusting for pain relief even at night.

While awake, I make sure there are breaks in my day.  If I feel tired at home or work, I will move around. I will take out the trash or do the dishes. The washroom in my office is on a different level. This has helped me to get more activity in my day. The small movements and breaks have helped to take strain off my neck. I am also always evaluating my posture while working at the computer. I sit up straight from the chest, and make sure to keep my neck in good alignment. I include the exercises taught to me by physio and Critical Bench through my day. In working with my pain, and these people, I have learned that the time between pains would become longer and longer. The pain would also go away faster. My pain has gone from a 2 (very bad) to an 8 (not bad at all). I know what to do to work with the pain. This has provided me with peace of mind. I can now deal with the causes of my neck pain, having pinpointed them.

I hope that you have found relief for your neck pain with some of my tips. I do still experience pain. The time between painful flare ups has become longer. The pain now lasts for less time. I am also able to treat it more quickly. I hope that you will be able to as well.

Neck Problems: Forward Head Posture

From using a laptop in bed to hovering over phones throughout the day, we missue our neck by either tilting it in an awkward position or hanging it for a long time. As a result, the neck bears a number of problems out of which Forward Head Posture (FHP) is the biggest one. The neck is set in a poking-out posture where you can observe excessive extension in the upper thoracic regions and lower cervical vertebrae, and in the upper cervical vertebrae.

This condition is known as Forward Head Posture (FHP). An ideal straight posture supports aligned body parts and joints, which require minimum stress, while the tiniest energy is required to stand up. This condition may accompany other posture deficiencies, including the extension of shoulders, leveling of the lower cervical spine, and turning of the upper back. These uncomfortable statures may develop a headache, shoulder pain, neck ache, muscle tenderness and stiffness, and craniofacial pain.

The ill-impacts of such bad neck posture may evolve into much severe muscle stiffness, over the course of time and with age. The extra work that the cervical spine has to put in supporting the head compels many of the attached muscles to work harder in support. If it continues over a long span of time, your muscles will lose their balance and may find it struggling to support the head for straight-ahead vision. As a result, some of the muscles may become tight and short, while others are weak and elongated.
Forward Head Posture can protrude in response to a number of reasons, as follows:

  • Sleeping
    with a high-held head
  • Using the
    phone with head hanging down, for a long course of time
  • Unsupportive
    ergonomic alignment, slouching; due to gravitational effect
  • An occupational
    routine that requires backward or forward leaning of the head for a number of
    hours every day, wrong sitting position during computer use
  • Result
    of lumbar spine and pelvic posture
  • Underdeveloped
    or weak back muscles, providing less support
  • Texting
    posture out of habit

Weak and Long Muscles

Forward Head Posture may result in weak and elongated muscles. The following are targeted in order to relieve neck pain and correcting the forward head posture. Your doctor may prescribe therapies or medicine that will empower. Depending on your needs, Usually other related muscles may also require special attention.

Erector Spinae

These extensor are attached to the upper thoracic and lower cervical spine. These have a vital job to straighten and rotate the spine. If these lose their strength, they may become unsupportive in keeping the back and neck from hunching.

Deep Cervical Flexors

Namely the longus colli and longus capitus, these muscles are lined with the cervical spine and keep the neck in a steady position. In case become weak, you may develop a condition called Chin Poking, as the cervical flexors may lengthen due to chin losing their original position. 

Shoulder Blade Retractors

The upper back has rhomboid and trapezius muscles that support the chest and back to stay in good posture. In case these become weak, they cannot help but bring the posture in forward position and hunch the shoulders.

Tight and Short Muscles

These either tighten or shorten due to forward head posture. When targeting FHP, these muscles are stretched for improvement. Shortness or length of muscle may vary depending on the imbalance and certain other factors as well.

Levator Scapulae

These are located along the side and back of the neck; they stretch all the way from the upper cervical spine towards the scapula. These muscles are responsible for lifting the scapula and support in making many of the neck movements. These also may decrease in length if the shoulder blade starts tilting forward, or rotate in an upward direction due to rounded shoulders.

Chest Muscles

Thus, with roundness of shoulders, the upper back muscles become long, and chest muscles become tight as they shorten. One of these muscles is the pectoralis minor chest muscles that are two thin triangle shaped muscles.

Suboccipital Muscles

These are 4 in number and connect the top of the
cervical spine with the lower back side of the skull.  Their job is to support head extension and
rotation. Their job is to constantly contract in order to support the head in
holding up and to look ahead in the straight posture.

Impact of Forward Head Posture

As an examples, there are a number of consequences that your body has to face as a result of bad neck posture;

  • Decrease in the height
    while increase in the dorsal kyphosis
  • Reduced range of
    cervical spine along with motion
  • Feeling of chronic
    pain, fatigue and muscle ischaemia
  • Formation of osteophyte
    and early disc generation
  • Join inflammation and
    temporomandibular joint pain
  • Tension Headache
  • Limited range of arm
    and shoulder motion, may experience decreased vital capacity
  • Nerve compression and
    probable projection of nucleus pulposus

Muscle Pain and Forward Head Posture Symptoms

Although palpable symptoms may take time to appear, the
early stage symptoms of FHP can include the following:

Muscle Soreness

You may experience an achy or dull pain in the nape of
the neck that may spread across sides and back of the shoulder, upper back, or
even head.

Severe Pain

In the beginning stage, the neck muscles either feel the tightness or go into spasm; this will result in the sensation of burning or sharp pain. usually, you may feel intense neck pain that may become worse with certain positions, lying on sides, or tilting your neck with a certain movement. The origin of the pain is centralized; it could be the base of the skull, neck sides, or beneath the shoulders.

Muscle Tightness

Your muscles may experience tightness or exhausted Regulary of overworking, being wrongly positioned for a long time, and trigger point pain in response to inflammation like a herniated disc or because of an injury. Gradually, due to less muscle mobility and pain, your neck movement may become limited and eventually stiff.

Trigger Point

Usually, these points are commonly found along the base of the neck, likewise you may experience pain down the shoulders or in the neck. This kind of neck pain may become intense upon touching. It can be the result of stretched or tender muscles. According to some researches, trigger point pain is more likely to occur in people who have frequent headaches or migraines.  

In the mean time, neck problem if not treated, afterward permanent muscle pain that may stretch across nerve roots, joints, or discs. Futhermore put additional stress facet joints, vertebrae, and may speed up spinal degeneration.

You want to start working on your neck? Read this program!!!

Rosenstiel Coral Institute Providing More Insight on Marine Phytoplankton

Looking into the benefits of marine phytoplankton, they are not just made up. These benefits provide the user with a way to actually know they are getting quality products. The science behind these small marine creatures and the coral reefs where they live is tremendous. There is still a lot to be learned about them, but the information that has been collected ensures that using them and adding them to a normal diet as a supplement can provide many benefits.


Finding out how this marine phytoplankton is able to provide the essential building blocks that are needed in a diet can ensure that you are going with the best ingredients. Research continues to be conducted on the phytoplankton with the Rosenstiel Coral Institute. They are looking to understand more about the way this product works in the environment it thrives in while finding out its main functions.


The Research Being Conducted on Marine Phytoplankton

Known for the tremendous amount of work and research that they do on the coral reefs, they are able to find out more about the benefits and health additions that these tiny creatures are able to make when added to a normal, healthy diet.


The research that is being done on marine phytoplankton is to find out their responses with the coral reefs, the climate change, the benefits that they provide to the life around them, as well as a series of other points of information that are essential to the benefits that come with using this type of product.


The cell-regenerating benefits, as well as joint supporting benefits that come with this supplement, are just a couple of the main reasons why both pets and people have found it to be helpful. Thought of as a single healthiest supplement to take, this should be added to your daily routine to help supplement your health and your well-being throughout the day.


Using this supplement optimally is the best thing you can do for your health. It provides not only better immune support, as well as other factors within the body, but you can get better sleep, brain health, more energy and more. You can find that this supplement offers numerous benefits you cannot get from that one single daily vitamin that you take.


The Many Benefits are Plentiful, Especially as a Supplement

Whether it is a person or a pet using the marine phytoplankton, having the product that continues to provide numerous health benefits is always ideal. You need to use a product that is proven to show benefits and other positive effects, and with the nutritional value that this supplement provides when derived from the healthiest place; everyone can benefit from using it as a supplement to their regular diet.


It is important to only use quality marine phytoplankton from sources that obtain it from the most reputable places. When using our marine phytoplankton, we can guarantee that you will always have the quality marine life that you are in need of, especially when adding it to your pet’s diet as a supplement.

Important Veterinary Visits for Cats They Shouldn’t Miss

Veterinary visits for your cat are an essential and important part of their overall well-being. But, whether you’re a seasoned or new cat owner, it may be difficult to determine if your cat actually requires medical care.

Continue reading to learn more about important veterinary visits cats should not miss:

Important Veterinary Visits for Cats

Age a kitten should first go to the veterinarian

Kittens require proper supervision and medical care from early on. They should visit a veterinarian as soon as possible after adoption. Deworming, vaccines, and general questions can be addressed at that time. Furthermore, if you are taking care of a bottle-fed, motherless kitten, he/she requires care 24/7.

Priority veterinary visits

It is important to make vet visits a priority. Whether your cat is feeling a bit under the weather, or if they have to get their yearly checkup, then this is where you would go. You don’t want to miss out on the chance to speak with your vet about any questions, concerns, or other issues you would bring up during this time.

General wellness exams are just as important

The general wellness exams that are required for your pet or recommended should be brought into the light. Not only because these exams ensure that you get the best possible information about your pet, but it is also a chance to find out if anything is happening, as well as a chance to speak with the vet about any questions you might have.

If your cat’s behavior has changed in recent months, weeks, days, or anything else. You want to make sure that this is brought up during this exam. They can recommend the best possible course of action for you to take, as any change in behavior is not too big or too small.

Common cat conditions

When bringing a cat into a vet, there are a number of common conditions that can arise. These conditions are important to know more about, as they can cause serious harm to your cat if they are not addressed.

  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Masses
  • Weight Loss
  • Vomiting and/or Diarrhea

Any change in your cat’s behavior or health is something to bring up to the veterinarian. This professional is who can provide more information into what might be happening, but also ensure that you get the proper tests to find out if this is something that might be happening.

It is increasingly important that you always stick with what your veterinarian says about their health. With proper nutrition, supplements, and food; you can ensure that you have the best possible health for them. You love them like family, so why not treat them like it?

Make an appointment with your local vet to bring your feline friend in to see them. You want to make sure to visit with one and learn more about what they have to offer. Once you do this, you will learn much more about your cat than you ever thought possible. This ensures that your cat has the best health possible.

Successfully Train Your Dog With These Tips

There are important things to keep in mind when you’re training your dog. One of those is that training is never finished. Training is a process that continues throughout life. It must be reinforced all the time to ensure they continue to do the things they learned. Here are a few additional tips to successfully train your dog:

Make Time for Daily Training Sessions

It is best to train your dog in a controlled environment whenever possible. To ensure the best dog training, it must be done in the backyard, in a field, or at home, and not while you are in the middle of a walk. When you’re teaching your dog something new, it is necessary to have daily training sessions. However, once a week is good when you’re reinforcing previous lessons and your dog is older.

Train When Your Dog is Hungry

When you perform a training session and your dog is hungry, he or she will be more attracted to whatever treats you are utilizing for positive reinforcement. The treats may not be so motivating if your dog just finished a large meal. However, make sure your dog eats a healthy meal two times daily. For added nutrition, consider adding Mr. Ros supplements to each meal.

Have Short Training Sessions

Until your dog thoroughly learned a trick, do not spend hours working on it. Canines train better when time is broken up into short sessions, such as 10 to 20 minutes. Follow each training session with play or rest time. Each session should always end when they are successful. Even when what you’re attempting to train him or her to do is only a small step in the right direction.

Train Following a Play Session

Have a demanding play session with your dog prior to beginning a training session. If you’ve just arrived home from errands, work, etc., he or she has been crated for a few hours, and if your try to train your dog right away, chances are you will both become frustrated. Have a vigorous play session to release some of your dog’s energy. This will also improve the bond between both of you. Following the playing session, begin the training.

Focus on Positive Reinforcement

Utilizing negative reinforcement to train your dog to follow commands, does not work as well as positive reinforcement. Instead of correcting him or her for performing something you do not want him or her to do, focus on positive reinforcement by showing them what you want and praising them when they do it. This generally means breaking a trick or a task into several small increments and teaching him or her slowly. As your dog is successful at each task or trick and gets your positive reaction, he or she will want to continue to do good and learn more. If your dog is not learning a certain trick or task, go back to the previous step and work at it until they get it completely. To learn more about training your dog and healthy supplement, contact us today!
Genius Dog 300 x 600 - Animated

Ways to Get Your Chihuahua Started On A Raw Diet

Your Chihuahua is more than a pet, they are a family member, which means you want to make sure that you’re feeding them well. One of the best diets that vets and other pet professionals make is the raw food diet. This diet contains a good amount of nutrition and protein you’re unable to get with regular dog food diets that you purchase in the store.

A raw diet is one of the best diets that you can have your pet on. Not only just Chihuahuas but also a number of other pets can benefit from having a raw diet made of raw meats and veggies.

Why a Raw Food Diet for a Chihuahua?

Chihuahuas should eat a raw food diet because they are one of the longest living breeds. They need to eat a raw diet that is healthier for them. This can help them increase their lifespan, while also ensuring that they get the best possible outcome with help from this diet.

How Much Should the Chi Eat?

The Chi should ideally eat between 2-3% of their body weight in the amount of raw diet that they eat. This means just a few ounces of raw meat for every feeding. This means just a heaping tablespoon of food for some of the smallest of pups.

Making sure that the pup not only gets this raw meat, but also the fruits and veggies that they need throughout the day might seem tough to do, but it is possible. Fruits and veggies can be given as treats and snacks throughout the day or added into the meal during mealtime depending on how good of an eater your pup is.

You can adjust the serving size depending on the size of the dog, as well as their activity level to ensure that they get the best possible outcome from the amount of food that they are ingesting. It is important that they not only get the best nutrition from the amount of food given in this raw food diet, but also with the supplements that are being given alongside the food that is offered 2-3 times per day. This is important, as you want to match the dogs’ weight, healthy, lifestyle, and exercise level.

Adding supplements to your pet’s diet can be one of the best things to do when considering a raw diet. One of the best supplements on the market is natural vitamins and marine phytoplankton that are derived from all-natural ingredients. When you take the best step forward for your pet’s health, you’re helping them gain a step above in the health department. These supplements can help.

It is important to speak with your vet regarding the raw diet you’re considering, as you want to ensure that you’re doing what is best for your pup. Your vet can let you know if this is the best diet for you to feed your pup based on their health history and other factors, so you can ensure you’re doing the best thing for your pet. Speak with them today.

4 Easy Ways for a Healthier Dog

We love our fur babies. We hope for a healthy, long life, full of wonderful memories. We love the excitement of our dog when we come home from work, school, etc. Our bond with our dog is strong and we do whatever it takes to ensure they feel the great love we have for them.

While many ways to keep our dogs in tip-top shape are obvious, some are not.

Here are some simple ways to have a healthier dog:

High-Quality Diet

You want to ensure your fur baby receives a good balance of nutrition. It is important to take a little time to study the breed of canine you have chosen to be your best friend and to understand what their diet should consist of. Of course, there is an easy way of dry dog food at the local market. Many brands today now tend to be high-quality, unlike in the past.

On the other hand, there is high-end food which is cooked or raw homemade food. This way, you know exactly what is in it. When preparing your own dog food, you need to know the balance of carbs, proteins, and fats that are best for your dog’s breed and size. The minerals and vitamins must be balanced.

You can also add supplements to your store-bought or homemade dog food to ensure they get the best nutrition.

Oral Hygiene

Taking the time needed to care for your dog’s teeth can be the difference between a long life and a short life. In fact, bad breath from your dog can be an indicator of something serious and they should see their veterinarian as soon as possible. The real issues come from plaque and bacteria that build up and can get to your dog’s heart and end their life early.

If you begin taking care of their teeth at a young age and brush their teeth, that is best. To help there are sprays and daily dental chewies. If you still notice bad breath, your fur buddy might need a professional cleaning at the vet.

Know What is Toxic to Your Dog

Xylitol is in gum and other baked goods and can kill your dog. Here is a list of what to keep away from your dogs’ stomach:

Apple seeds, avocado, alcohol, toothpaste and mouthwash, caffeine, tea, coffee, candy, chewing gum, chocolate, cat food, corn on the cob, cooked bones, grapes and raisins, fat trimmings, hops, garlic, human vitamins, marijuana, liver, milk and other dairy products in quantity, macadamia nuts, chives and onions, raw fish, salt, sugar, peppers, persimmon, yeast, plum and peach pits, rhubarb and tomato leaves, tobacco, xylitol.

Clean Your Pet Bowls

It is very important to change your dogs’ water regularly and clean the water and food bowls daily. Cleaning the water and food bowl regularly will ensure they get no unhealthy effects that can come with unwashed dog bowls.

For any questions on ways to keep your dog healthy, contact us today.

5 Top Things You Did Not Know Pet Insurance Covers

There are many misconceptions about pet health insurance, with different insurance companies, plans, and policies. Most pet owners think about insurance for accident coverage or for when your dog or cat becomes sick. However, these conditions barely scratch the surface. Here are five things you did not know pet insurance covers:

Small issues, such as ear infections

One common misconception with medical insurance for pets is that it only covers accidents. However, with the right insurance policy, your pet can have medical coverage for everything from a broken nail to monthly allergy medications. The deductible is a big aspect here, with a small deductible, you will be reimbursed for even the small stuff.

Hereditary and congenital conditions

Many pet health insurance plans offer coverage for hereditary and congenital conditions such as cherry eye, Addison’s disease, and hip dysplasia. What this means for your pet, is that breed predisposed hip dysplasia, which is common in German Sheppard’s, the hip repair can be covered provided there were no signs of this condition prior to being enrolled in pet medical insurance. Unfortunately, pet medical insurance does not cover pre-existing conditions. This is why it is vital to enroll your pet while they are still healthy and young.


All healing does not take place in the veterinary hospital. Prescription medications that your vet fills for your pets to take home can also be covered with pet medical insurance. A comprehensive plan can ensure that your pets can continue to recover while at home.

Common illnesses, such as cancer

Animal medical insurance should also have your back for the big conditions, too. Some pet insurance policies require that you include coverage for certain conditions, such as cancer. However, the best insurance plans already have this coverage included. When faced with an illness, the best pet medical insurance coverage can help you and your family focus on what is best for your pet, rather than worrying about medical expenses.

Alternate therapies and cutting-edge treatments

The best pet insurance plans are designed to provide veterinarians with the control to practice medicine without benefit schedules or financial restrictions and to do what they do best. Today, vets can treat pets with stem-cell therapy, perform acupuncture on cats and dogs, and build carts and prosthetic devices. Pet health insurance can help support those types of treatments by covering things such as regenerative therapies, mobility devices, alternative therapies, as well as a broad variety of treatments available today.

Pet insurance can be an excellent option for the majority of pet owners. If you are considering medical insurance for your cat and/or dog, it is vital to do your research to ensure you purchase a comprehensive plan that covers the little stuff, big stuff, and everything in between.

Even though you can help keep your cat and/or dog safe and healthy by participating in one of the pet insurance policies, Mr Ros Natural Premium supplements help keep them healthier. Contact us below for more information.

8 Ways to Have a Healthy and Happy Cat

All cats are different. Some may have fun running around the house while others enjoy sleeping all day. However, at the end of the day, all furry feline friends require a healthy balance of enrichment and overall wellness to ensure a healthy and happy cat.

To ensure your cat’s happiness, consider the following:

Regular Veterinarian Check-ups

Staying up-to-date with your veterinarian appointments, such as yearly wellness exams, is crucial for your cat’s overall wellness. Furthermore, it also provides you with an opportunity to inquire about any concerns you may have or ask him/her questions.

Fresh Water at All Times

Cats are like dogs and require proper hydration.  In fact, some medical problems can be triggered by a lack of hydration.

Provide Plenty of Space to Roam and Play

Cat’s require space to play, roam, and explore. Whether you have a fun-loving senior or a curious kitten, having room to roam and play is important regardless of your cat’s age, size, or breed. Think about creating a space that is dedicated to your cat/s. Naturally, this space will provide them with an opportunity to relax and rest in a haven created just for them.

Interactive Play

Interactive play is a terrific way to stimulate your furry friend and provide them with a chance to stretch their bodies. For example, consider having a variety of toys, such as a mouse, laser pointer, and/or wand. If your household has more than one pet, these toys give them a chance to play together.

Create a Cat-Friendly Living Space

Cats, like dogs, are part of your family.  As such, cats should have a home that is cat-friendly. This is where they can play, explore, and lounge. Consider adding cat furniture to your living space, like cat shelves, cat trees, and scratching posts. By adding different surfaces, sizes, and levels, your cat gets the physical and mental stimulation that they need.

Supervise Unusual Behavior

If your furry little feline begins to act out, chances are there is something more going on. For instance, cats are not often vocal when there is something bothering them. Consider contacting your vet and make an appointment and note any concerns. Your vet can perform a thorough examination and additional diagnostic tests to help determine the issue.

Maintain a Tidy Pet Space

Not only is a pet-friendly space important to your cat’s health and wellness, but it also helps to maintain a clean and tidy space. If your cat’s furniture and toys are taking up most of your home, it may be time to re-evaluate the usage of the items.

Furthermore, consider handling the cat litter odor by using Litter-ly Gon Cat Litter Box Deodorizer and Odor Control. One small bag lasts an entire month to ensure a fresh-smelling litter box area.

Take Time Out of Each Day to Bond with Your Cat

One of the most vital factors for a happy and healthy cat is spending time with your feline friend. The bond between your cat and family is important. Consider spending time each day interacting with your cat, hugs, and cuddles, and even take a cat nap with them. Your cat will enjoy the extra time you take to spend with them.

For more information on having a healthy and happy cat, please contact us!

Simple Ways to Improve Your Dog’s Diet

Your dog is more than a pet, they are a family member. You want to make sure that they are treated as such. This means providing them with the tools needed to not only live a long life but a healthy one. This can include supplements, exercise, and the best diet that helps them grow stronger, bigger, and healthier but also gives them the nutrition and energy they need to make it through the day.


There are many ways that you can improve your dog’s diet, and these ways are not even hard to implement. Using these tips can help you keep your dog happy and healthy and ensure that they are going to live their best life, especially with you helping them.


  1. Add in raw veggies to the food that they eat. If you feed them commercial dog food, that is fine but fortifying it with additional pieces of food might be a great way to increase the number of vitamins and minerals they are able to get. Raw veggies or steamed veggies are one of the best ways to boost these vitamins.
  2. Adding in eggs or meat can provide additional protein to the food that they are eating. This helps them get a nice boost in the amount of nutrition that comes from the food, besides the generic food.
  3. Add Marine Phytoplankton into their diet as a supplement. This is listed as number three, but it is one of the biggest and best things you can do for your pet. You can sprinkle this onto their diet that you have already prepared that they are used to, so they get the nutrition that boosts their immunity and gives them great nutrition.
  4. Dairy is a great addition to put in the food. You want to make sure to use dairy that does not have additives in it. You want to watch out for artificial sugars or flavors, as these can be a problem. Yogurt, cottage cheese, and goat’s milk are all great dairy additions to put in the food.
  5. Fatty acids are great to add to the food, so you want to think about the essential oils that come with some of the food. You can find these in fish oils and other oils providing amino acids and more.


You can find so many ways to boost your dog’s health and lifespan with the use of the many things you can add to their diet, or even just providing more exercise and stimulation can be a great way to go about giving your pup a little bit more.


Asking your vet about some of the other ways that you can help your dog live a bit longer and have a happier, more fulfilled life is a great way to find out other methods for boosting your dog’s health. Remember, a healthy dog is always a happy dog when it comes to providing them with the best nutrition and life that they can possibly get from a company.