Talking about algae — What’s the difference between Chlorella, Spirulina and Marine Phytoplankton?

Benefits of Marine Phytoplankton

What’s the difference between Marine Phytoplankton and other algae?This is a question we get asked a LOT. The internet is flooded with algae supplements. Left and right you hear names like Chlorella, Spirulina and Marine Phytoplankton. 

First: what are algae?

Algae encompass several groups of relatively simple living aquatic organisms that capture light through photosynthesis, which is used to convert inorganic substances into organic matter.

Fresh water algae versus ocean algae

That’s the first major difference between the three. Unlike other fresh water algae like Chlorella or Spirulina (blue green algae), Marine Phytoplankton is an ocean algae that has access to all the mineral rich nutrients of the sea.

Fresh water can simply not provide the same minerals as what ocean water provides by nature. Ocean water is a thousand times more mineral rich then fresh water.

Foundation of the Food Chain

Because of this nutrient dense ocean water, Marine Phytoplankton is also dubbed “Foundation of the Food Chain”. It provides all the essential nutrients to life on this planet and plays a key role in the oceanic food web.

Almost all marine life is dependent on phytoplankton. For example: zooplankton eat phytoplankton; Fish eat the zooplankton; Seals, sharks and birds eat the fish.

Marine Phytoplankton is the origin of all plankton. It contains pigments that are unique and are not found in other plant material. It is these pigments that are so beneficial to human health.


Spirulina is a blue-green algae and is classified as Cyanobacteria. This simple, one-celled form of algae grows in warm freshwater environments, and is distantly related to kelp algae (but is not a sea plant).

It thrives in freshwater ponds and lakes which are notably more alkaline than ordinary lakes. Spirulina cannot sustain any other forms of microorganisms and is much like terrestrial plants, except that it does not have a cellulose cell wall.


This unicellular green algae is found in still freshwater, soil or bar of trees. It has a strong cell wall that prevents its native form from being adequately broken down, and absorbed by the human digestive system. For Chlorella, special processing is required to break its cell wall, so it’s suitable for the human digestive system.

6 Reasons Marine Phytoplankton needs to be in your diet

Earlier this year we looked at 6 reasons (but there are plenty more!) why you should include Marine Phytoplankton in your diet. You can read the article here (Click Here!).

You have the Unique opportunity of buying the 3 best algae in the world in one Capsule!!! Spirulina, Chlorella AND Marine Phytoplankton

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6 Reasons Phytoplankton Needs To Be In Your Diet

Mr Ros Marine Phytoplankton Powder

Phytoplankton, which is a Greek word (phyto meaning plant and plankton meaning wandering), is often mistaken as ocean plants. However, they are actually single-celled aquatic organisms that are seen in both fresh and salt water.

Phytoplankton are highly nutritious and offer an array of health benefits similar to what you see with other sea vegetables. This ocean plant is loaded with tiny bits of nutrient particles that the body can easily absorb and use on a cellular level.

The great thing about sea phytoplankton is that vegans can safely consume them with a nutritional balance that’s similar to chlorella and spirulina. In fact, it may be even more powerful than them. What are some of the benefits of consuming phytoplankton?

6 Reasons To Include Phytoplankton Into Your Diet

1. Mood Improvement

If you suffer from depression or any other mood disorder, a phytoplankton supplement can better your mood. According to a University of Utah study, patients who suffer from depression and used a phytoplankton supplement saw major improvements in their symptoms.

2. Powerful Anti-Cancer Effects

John Henkel wrote a very informative article “Drugs of the Deep: Treasures of the Sea Yield Some Medical Answers and Hint at Others.” According to the article, plankton showed some promise in the field of cancer research.

In fact, University of Rhode Island Professor Yuzuru Shumizu conducted a study that looked at sea-based organisms that showed to have anti-tumor properties. The research looked primarily at dinoflagellates, which are one-celled plankton, that has the potential to kill cancer.

3, Detoxification Abilities

Research has shown that marine phytoplankton appears to have similar detoxification effects the ocean does. Remember, the human body is comprised mainly of water. However, plasma, which is the watery part of the blood, has salt and ion levels that are close to what the sea has. It’s one of the reasons scientists and researchers have included it to the superfoods list.

4. Boosts Both The Immune System and Liver

The body absorbs phytoplankton on a cellular level, which means it doesn’t need the liver or digestive system to process it. This allows the body to attain the important nutrients even when the liver isn’t working properly. It can also boost the liver’s health without damaging the detoxification process.

5. Strengthens and Regenerates The Cells

When you use a phytoplankton supplement, it can boost the cell membrane and cause the body to produce new cells and aid in cell regeneration. Several European microbiologists, doctors and botanists found that a particularly powerful strain of marine phytoplankton, known as Nannochloropsis gaditana held a plethora of nutritional value.

This phytoplankton strain has over 65 compounds – amino acids, vitamins, essential fats, rare antioxidants, electrolytes, enzymes, nucleic acids, etc.

6. Improves Heart Function

Phytoplankton are loaded with amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, minerals and antioxidants. These are important to maintaining a healthy heart, which is why they should be included in your daily diet. Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely important to a healthy heart, but the body is unable to produce them on its own. Therefore, you need to eat as much food or take an omega-3 fatty acid supplement to make up for it.

Be sure to try our Marine Phytoplankton Powder and Supercharge Your Health!

Marine Phytoplankton Growing Conditions

Marine Phytoplankton Growing Conditions

Our Marine Phytoplankton is not grown in the open ocean due to
pollution concerns, instead this product is grown under controlled, purified
conditions in a photo-bioreactor located in the European Union.

We have our own quality system and work with independent labs,
which provide control checks according to European regulations. We offer
marine phytoplankton that has been approved and found ideal for human
consumption following the specified European rules.
Our Phytoplankton is produced using genuine sea salts provided by
straight from the sea & other natural minerals. Only natural ingredients are
used in the phytoplankton process, ensuring our product is of the highest
quality possible for human consumption.

The product is cultivated in a controlled environment, which meet very
strict Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s), and each batch is managed
by individual batch record protocols (BRP’s.)
Our production management processes are based on the concepts
that meet the GMP Pharma manufacturing process standards. Using a
highly advanced technology, our premium grade food quality Phytoplankton
Powder is dried, which sets the standard for food ingredient drying. Our
algae processing is done according to the DIN ISO 9001 : 2000 standards
and is also HACCP certified.
Our phytoplankton products have the highest EPA Omega 3 essential
fatty acids, due to our unique know-how on the cultivating process. Our
expertise in this area comes from years of research and development. This
level of knowledge is suppported by our experience in Biological/Marine
Science, Bio-Chemistry, Physics, and Design & Process Engineering. All
cultivation occurs when the phytoplankton has reached its optimal potential
and potentcy, which ensures that we provide you with highest quality
We use ingredients that meet international food grade standards in conjunction with ISS. During the growing process we use nitrates and phosphates and all full organic, natural food grade products are utilized.


Marine Phytoplankton-Medicine of the Future

Micro Algae Nannochloropsis (Marine Phytoplankton)

“The future of nutrition is found in the ocean.” — Jacques Yves Cousteau

The Food and Medicine of the Future

Marine phytoplankton makes up one quarter of all vegetation, both land and sea. According to NASA, it provides up to 90% of the oxygen in the air that we breathe. In essence, marine phytoplankton produces more oxygen than all of the Earth’s forests combined. All the scientific research indicates that marine phytoplankton may be the single most important food on planet Earth; not only because of the nutritional content of the phytoplankton, but also due to the fact that marine phytoplankton is food for everything on Earth — it is the very meaning of food.”

Marine Pytoplankton is an Excellent Source of Energy

Normally, our bodies have to break down everything we eat into little packets of protein, sugar, fats and oils. These items are then then put into one end of the mitochondria factory, which then come out the other side as tiny energy units called nucleotides. These are ATP, ADP, AGP, etc. These nucleotides are the currency of the cell — which means they are biological battery packets that are used to produce cellular energy. The nucleotides in phytoplankton actually bypass the mitochondria production factory altogether because phytoplankton nucleotides directly feed the cell with the energy. For this reason, a cell can produce energy quickly and effectively without having to use up all the energy required during the digestion process.

The effect of taking medium to high dosages of marine phytoplankton daily, will be increased energy with no stimulation. The ATP and other nucleotides found in the plankton turn directly into energy once they are in the human body. This makes marine phytoplankton the leading superfood product in the world.  The ones who will benefit most from it are those needing to work extra hard in high-stress environments without sleep and who require long-term energy and focus, without stimulants. In this department, marine phytoplankton is unsurpassed. 

Marine Phytoplankton Contains:

  • Chlorophyll (type A)
  • EPA (Eicosapentaenoic omega 3 essential fatty acids)
  • Astaxanthin and Canthaxanthin
  • Phospholipids
  • Beta carotene and zeaxanthin
  • Violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, vaucheriaxanthin
  • Complete protein
  • Coq9