Marine Phytoplankton Powder vs Liquid

health benefits marine phytoplankton

As the US leading supplier of marine phytoplankton powder, people often ask us why we sell powder over liquid marine phytoplankton. And that’s a good question, which we’d like to address in this blog post.

A simple answer

We sell marine phytoplankton powder because we’re confident it’s an absolutely superior product, which preserves the delicate cellular integrity of the phytoplankton more efficiently.

Marine phytoplankton powder

On average, a liter of seawater contains between one hundred thousand and one hundred million plankton algae. It’s a nutrient dense, near perfect food and the food industry is only now waking up to the extraordinary power of plankton.

The drying process of plankton is no mean feat. The super abundance of nutrients need to be preserved, while eliminating rival strains and any completing bacteria.

Happy phytoplankton makes for the best nutritional supplement

Growing phytoplankton is a very delicate process. Our marine phytoplankton is not grown in the open ocean due to
pollution concerns, instead this product is grown under controlled, purified conditions in a photo-bioreactor located in the European Union.

Our phytoplankton is produced using genuine sea salts provided straight from the sea and other natural minerals. Only natural ingredients are used in the phytoplankton growing process, ensuring our product is of the highest quality possible for human consumption.

If phytoplankton is stressed during its growth cycle, the cell wall hardens, which is not something we want in a nutritional supplement. The lab does everything possible to keep the marine phytoplankton happy, which means optimum growing conditions and a very gentle, organic drying process which doesn’t disturb the integrity of the product.

Our algae processing is done according to the DIN ISO 9001 : 2000 standards, and is also HACCP certified.

Powder equals better value for money

In addition to the above mentioned cellular integrity of our marine phytoplankton, it simply makes sense to us that offering you 100% of what you’re paying for is better value for money than a product that’s diluted.

For these reasons, we offer the purest, 100% unadulterated powder dried straight from nature’s source.

Talking about omega-3: Marine Phytoplankton vs Fish Oil

fish oil omega 3


The oceans of Earth contains trillions of fish and phytoplankton. Both fish and phytoplankton are good sources of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. But which one is the better option?


Research of the University of Maryland Medical Center has indicated that dietary omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Historically, fatty ocean fish is used as source for omega-3 fatty acids supplements.

However, this same compound is present in phytoplankton, and in much higher quantities. With this discovery, marine phytoplankton capsules with a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids are now available.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Let’s have a look at what omega-3 is. Omega-3 is short for omega-3 fatty acid and this family of fatty acids play an important role in the human body.

Omega-3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated, meaning that they have several double bonds in the chemical structure.
The three most important types are ALA (alpha-linolenic acid), DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).ALA is mainly found in plants, while DHA and EPA are mainly found in animal foods and algae.

The human brain needs omega-3 to function properly, and the body needs omega-3 for growth and development.
However, our body can’t make omega-3, so we need to consume these fatty acids in foods or as supplements.

Historically, fish oil for omega-3 supplementation was the only option. In addition to fish oil omega 3, there are some common foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, like flax seeds, chia seeds, flaxseed oil and walnuts, to name a few.

To date, there is no official recommended daily allowance of omega-3s. However, most health organizations agree that 250–500 mg of combined EPA and DHA is enough for adults to maintain overall health.

Fish Oil Omega 3

As mentioned earlier, fish and fish oil contain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These two types of fish oil omega 3 have proven cardio-protective properties.

According to the National Institutes of Health, fatty fish provides about 1 gram of omega-3 fatty acids in 3.5 ounces of fish. It is recommended that you broil or bake your fish. Frying fish in other oils will cancel its protective properties.

Phytoplankton Omega 3

Phytoplankton, also known as microalgae, are similar to terrestrial plants in that they contain chlorophyll and require sunlight in order to live and grow. Most phytoplankton live in cooler, nitrogen-rich parts of the ocean, such as the north Atlantic and Pacific areas.

These single-celled creatures live in the upper levels of the ocean, where they use solar energy to create molecules important to life. Omega 3 fatty acids make up half the body weight of phytoplankton called thraustochytrids. The Enviro-Health Research Laboratories analyzed the total EPA and DHA levels to be 14.4 milligrams per gram of powdered phytoplankton.

Comparison: marine phytoplankton and fish oil for omega 3 supplementation

Both fish oil and marine phytoplankton contain essential omega-3 fatty acids. Out of these two, marine phytoplankton has more omega 3 per weight.

In addition, fish accumulate environmental contaminants during their lifespan. Phytoplankton only have a short lifespan, sensitive to environmental change.

Concerns for sustainability

An alternative source for fish oil omega 3 supplements may assist an already-taxed fishing industry. Many environmental organizations have shown evidence that some species are being overfished solely to supply the market with fish oil omega 3. Consider this: 600 sardines are needed to make 1 500mg bottle of omega 3 fish oil.

According to Save Our Seas, 75 percent of the world’s fish populations are removed faster than they can reproduce, 80 percent of that is completely exploited, and about 90 percent of all large predatory fish (i.e. tuna, sharks, cod) have vanished. Scientists now believe that fisheries will collapse by 2050 if current practices continue.

Consuming omega 3 without being part of overfishing

Marine Phytoplankton capsules for omega 3 supplementation are the answer. Particularly vegans looking to include DHA and EPA in their diets can get this from phytoplankton.

In fact, from an environmental perspective, it makes sense for omnivores to choose phytoplankton-derived supplements over fish oil, too.

So don’t be part of the problem, be part of the solution!

Here are some interesting articles if you’d like to read more about sustainability issues surrounding fish oil:

MNM – The truth about fish oil
New York Times – A Fish Oil Story
One Green Planet – Omega 3 fats in vegan diets

Omega 3 read more about it in our marine phytoplankton

How much Marine Phytoplankton to Take???


How much marine phytoplankton you take should be based on the results you are looking for from this product. People take the capsules or powder, for different reasons. Some people are already fairly healthy and are just looking for a healthy product to their already tight regimen. Because they are simply looking to add the health benefits of marine phytoplankton, they may not need to take the same dosage as someone who is overweight and looking to lose weight. They also may need to take the marine phytoplankton for a longer period of time, so to make the weight loss process a healthy one. The people who suffer from different disease like cancer or Alzheimer’s disease can benefit from taking marine phytoplankton, but should consult with their medical professional to identify the best dosage to help their particular ailment.


How often you should take the marine phytoplankton is sort of in line with the amount you should take to best aid in your health goals. However, it has been shown that people who are overweight, and/or people who are considered quite unhealthy can benefit greatly from taking the marine phytoplankton daily for 3 to 6 months. Taking the marine phytoplankton daily will help to ensure your body gets all the nutritional benefits marine phytoplankton provides.  For those who are using the marine phytoplankton to help with their weight loss goals many users have found that 3 grams a day for 3 to 6 months had a positive impact on their weight loss and aided in their process. Everyone’s body is different, but people must be consistent in taking the capsules are powder, which can also help to create other healthy habits.

Marine Phytoplankton Capsules

Capsules are always going to be a great way to take your supplements. They can be transported easily, put in your pocket or purse, and taken when necessary. Many people realize it is easier for them to remain on schedule if they are taking the capsule form of the marine phytoplankton. The capsules each contain 330 milligrams of pure marine phytoplankton, and there are 90 capsules available in one bottle of marine phytoplankton by Phyto4life. These capsules can be taken with juice or water, and is free from containments and heavy metals. Many companies add fillers and cutting agents to the marine phytoplankton so they can create more capsules. These capsules are one hundred percent marine phytoplankton and you do not have to worry about consuming anything that is hazardous to your body.

 MP Powder

The marine phytoplankton powder is very similar to the capsules in that it has the same vitamins and minerals found in the capsules. There is nothing lost in the marine phytoplankton powder making process and it is also one hundred percent marine phytoplankton without additives, filling, or cutting agents. Some people are not pill or capsule people, and that is ok. It is easier for them to take powders and things they can mix into their beverages or sprinkle over food. There are users who have a pouch of marine phytoplankton at home as well as the place they work so they don’t have to be concerned with transporting the powder, and are also able to stay on their marine phytoplankton regimen.  Again, with the powder there is the option to sprinkle over food. It is not recommended that you cook with it, but use on top of cooked food, as cooking it could aid in the loss of nutrients.

Fill In What is Missing

When person is unhealthy, overweight, or malnutrition there are going to several essential vitamins and minerals they are missing out on. Nutritionist will tell you that exercise is great and necessary for an over healthy lifestyle, but they also known that being healthy is ninety percent of what you eat. When a person is not healthy they are definitely missing out some essential nutrients whether it is protein, essential fatty acids, vitamin B for energy, or one of the other multitudes of vitamins and minerals found in the marine phytoplankton. Taking the marine phytoplankton on a regular basis can really fill in those nutrition gaps that could be affecting your overall health or sabotaging your weight loss goals.


Talking about algae — What’s the difference between Chlorella, Spirulina and Marine Phytoplankton?

Benefits of Marine Phytoplankton

What’s the difference between Marine Phytoplankton and other algae?This is a question we get asked a LOT. The internet is flooded with algae supplements. Left and right you hear names like Chlorella, Spirulina and Marine Phytoplankton. 

First: what are algae?

Algae encompass several groups of relatively simple living aquatic organisms that capture light through photosynthesis, which is used to convert inorganic substances into organic matter.

Fresh water algae versus ocean algae

That’s the first major difference between the three. Unlike other fresh water algae like Chlorella or Spirulina (blue green algae), Marine Phytoplankton is an ocean algae that has access to all the mineral rich nutrients of the sea.

Fresh water can simply not provide the same minerals as what ocean water provides by nature. Ocean water is a thousand times more mineral rich then fresh water.

Foundation of the Food Chain

Because of this nutrient dense ocean water, Marine Phytoplankton is also dubbed “Foundation of the Food Chain”. It provides all the essential nutrients to life on this planet and plays a key role in the oceanic food web.

Almost all marine life is dependent on phytoplankton. For example: zooplankton eat phytoplankton; Fish eat the zooplankton; Seals, sharks and birds eat the fish.

Marine Phytoplankton is the origin of all plankton. It contains pigments that are unique and are not found in other plant material. It is these pigments that are so beneficial to human health.


Spirulina is a blue-green algae and is classified as Cyanobacteria. This simple, one-celled form of algae grows in warm freshwater environments, and is distantly related to kelp algae (but is not a sea plant).

It thrives in freshwater ponds and lakes which are notably more alkaline than ordinary lakes. Spirulina cannot sustain any other forms of microorganisms and is much like terrestrial plants, except that it does not have a cellulose cell wall.


This unicellular green algae is found in still freshwater, soil or bar of trees. It has a strong cell wall that prevents its native form from being adequately broken down, and absorbed by the human digestive system. For Chlorella, special processing is required to break its cell wall, so it’s suitable for the human digestive system.

6 Reasons Marine Phytoplankton needs to be in your diet

Earlier this year we looked at 6 reasons (but there are plenty more!) why you should include Marine Phytoplankton in your diet. You can read the article here (Click Here!).

You have the Unique opportunity of buying the 3 best algae in the world in one Capsule!!! Spirulina, Chlorella AND Marine Phytoplankton

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