9 Acerola Berry Benefits for your Skin

acerola berry skin benefits

Acerola Cherries offers a ton of health benefits – we all know this. But did you know that there are also acerola cherry benefits for the skin?

Yes, you read that right

This pretty little berry is packed with vitamin C and can work wonders for your skin. Here are 9 acerola berry skin benefits.

Boosts Collagen Production

Due to the acerola cherry’s very high vitamin C content, this little cherry definitely gives your body a big boost in the production of collagen. Collagen is actually a protein that keeps the skin together. Thus, it makes the skin look younger and makes sure it retains its firmness and elasticity.

One study in the American Journal of Nutrition shows that women who are over 40 and have high amounts of vitamin C in their daily diets are less likely to develop wrinkles as compared to those who consume this vitamin in lesser amounts.

Acts as an Astringent

Just like hazel, acerola berries are an astringent. This means that acerola treats skin blemishes, promotes skin elasticity and even aids with digestive issues.

Skin Protector

If you consume acerola cherry powder regularly, it will help protect your skin from chemical stressors like cigarette smoke, pollutants and allergens.

But that’s not all. Acerola cherry can help speed up repairs of wounds, burns, scar tissues and even fractures.

Fights against Skin Ageing

Bioflavonoids play a key part in delaying the signs of skin ageing like wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet, laugh lines, dark spots, blemishes and so on.

Antioxidant Power

Vitamin C acts as an antioxidants that neutralizes free radicals, so your skin is less likely to get damaged.

Repairs Damaged Skin Cells

Acerola cherries also contain a healthy amount of Vitamin A, niacin, thiamin and riboflavin. These all promote beautiful and glowing skin.

Protects from Harmful UV Rays

UV rays can be very harsh to your skin. Acerola cherry protects your skin from these rays and thus protects you from damaging your skin.

Moisturizes Skin

Plenty of nutrients in the acerola cherry work together to hydrate the skin and improve its ability to retain moisture. And this works for all skin types.

Clears Up Acne and Other Skin Problems

Here’s the last of the list for acerola cherry benefits for skin. Skin problems like acne, psoriasis, and eczema are generally because of the lack of vitamin C in the skin.

Since the acerola cherry naturally has a high vitamin C content, regular consumption of this superfood will help you out with those skin issues.

Meet Mr. Ros Wildcrafted Acerola Berry Powder – a potent source of Vitamin C.

This acerola berry powder is suitable for kids and is one of nature’s richest sources of Vitamin C. Plus: it’s the best source for making Liposomal Vitamin C!

Be sure to sign up to our newsletter to receive our free eBook with 13 Superfood Smoothie Recipes.

Recipe for Goji Aloe Reishi Longevity Lemonade

Mr Ros Superfood Recipe

This particular lemonade hits all the right marks: it’s brimming with Vitamin C, beta-carotenoids, vitamin B 12, trace minerals and different enzymes. Plus: it’s yum too! Try it out and let us know what you think of it.


• 1 c. cashews
• 1 lime (whole)
• 1 lemon (whole)
• 1 c. cashews
• 1 lime (whole)
• 1 lemon (whole)
• 1 garlic clove
• 1 tsp. Marine Phytoplankton Powder
• 1 c. of water
• 1/4 c. parsley (chopped)
• 1/4 c. cilantro (chopped)
• 1 green onion stalk
• 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
• 3 tbsp. goji berries
• 5 in. of aloe Vera gel
• 1 to 2 tbsp. of raw honey or agave nectar
• 1/2 of an avocado
• 1 tsp. of nutritional yeast (optional)
• 1/8 tsp. of chili pepper powder
• 1/2 tsp. Kalahari or Himalayan salt
• 1/2 tsp. of mesquite powder
• 1 and 1/2 l. of high-quality water


Place all ingredients in your blender with half the water. Add more water if needed. If you like it hot, add more pepper to the concoction. Enjoy!

Lecithin: What Is It and How Does Sunflower Lecithin Help Your Body Stay Healthy

Mr Ros Sunflower Lecithin Powder

Yesterday we talked about making your very own Lecithin Vitamin C. Today, we talk about what Lecithin actually is and how it benefits your body.

Lecithin… this is the term that defines a variety of brown or yellowish fatty substances that are naturally found in plants and animals. In the past, the only way to attain lecithin was through isolating egg yolk.

However, today, it’s a popular supplement as it helps the body in various ways – improvement in cholesterol levels, circulatory system and nervous system.

The two most popular kinds of lecithin are sunflower and soy, but they do differ from one another.

A Look At Lecithin and Why It’s So Important In The Body

Lecithin is extremely important to all cells in the body. It helps keep the cell membranes from hardening up – keeping them healthy. Simply put, a healthy cell means a healthy body.

Most of the major organs in the body – heart, kidneys and liver – produce lecithin and other similar phospholipids. However, if you want to increase your levels of lecithin, you’ll need to take a supplement.

Lecithin’s benefit extended to liver repair, from years of damage due to alcohol abuse. It also appears to help with bettering one’s memory and learning faculties.

8 Benefits Sunflower Lecithin Has On The Body

Improvement In Cholesterol Levels and Heart Health

Lecithin is extremely beneficial to your heart, inhibiting the development and reversing the damage of coronary disease. It’s a fat emulsifier the body uses to eliminate the excess fat built up in the bloodstream.

The extra fat consists of triglycerides and cholesterol that help with controlling and decreasing your cholesterol levels. How so? It’s because of the copious amounts of linoleic acid in the sunflower lecithin. Olive oil is the only other product that can mimic the linoleic acid levels. Soy lecithin has a minute amount.

A supplement of sunflower lecithin can improve the circulation of blood to inhibit blood clots from forming.

Improvement In Brain Health

If you want to improve your cognitive and neurological health, adding sunflower lecithin is one way to do this. Why? It’s loaded with essential phospholipids with nearly unpronounceable chemical names.
The body uses phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylcholine to mend, support and generate brain and nerve cells. Various reports show that sunflower lecithin helps in better cognitive functions such as focus, memory and studying. When you can recall things – have a good memory – it means your brain is strong. There’s a possibility that sunflower lecithin can stave off various brain disorder such as:

• Alzheimer’s disease
• Parkinson’s disease
• Dementia

Improvement In Liver Health

Studies have shown that phospholipids play a role in your liver’s health. The liver is susceptible to excessive fats, which build up within the organ rather than be excreted from the body. Doctors are finding more and more people suffering from non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which can cause various conditions like liver cancer, cirrhosis and type 2 diabetes.

However, sunflower lecithin has the power to stop the buildup of these fats, so the liver stays in working order.

Offers Powerful Antioxidants

You know how important antioxidants are to the human body. Well, by adding sunflower lecithin to your diet, you’ll get a powerful dose of antioxidants by way of phosphatidylcholine. Antioxidants are important to stop the cellular damage that occurs from oxidative stress. When your cells are damaged, it can lead to cancer, heart disease and premature aging… both externally and internally.

Lowers Your Blood Pressure

As previously noted, sunflower lecithin contains linoleic acid, which can bring excess fats down such as triglycerides and cholesterol. When the body has an excessive amount of this, they attach themselves to the walls, resulting in arteriosclerosis or a thickening of the arteries. This condition leads to a higher blood pressure and, if not treated, a stroke or heart attack.

More Effective Nervous System

Your nervous system can work more efficiently because of the plethora of fatty acids, which increase nerve tissue strength and better the neurotransmitter activity. Keep in mind that your nerve fibers are a complicated network of sheaths that enable the nerve impulses to travel from location to location. If there’s a disruption in that system, your nervous system becomes affected. However, sunflower lecithin can ensure healthier nerve functions.

Aids In Wound Healing

Sunflower lecithin because of the fatty acids it contains like linoleic acid rapidly releases inflammatory transmitters to the injured parts of your body. For a more effective and quicker treatment, you can place sunflower lecithin right on minor wounds.

Arthritis Relief

Are you an arthritis sufferer? Do you suffer from some type of joint pain? If so, adding sunflower lecithin to your diet can benefit your joints, giving them the lubrication they need to relieve the aching.

In fact, a lecithin deficiency can result in stiffened joints and lead to rheumatism. By using a lecithin supplement, you can keep joint disease at bay and ease your already-existing symptoms.

Sunflower Lecithin Contains No Estrogen

Sunflower lecithin, unlike soy lecithin, has no estrogen in it. Phytoestrogen causes an overabundance of estrogen to be produced, and this can cause a multitude of metabolic problems including but not limited to:

• Weight gain
• Early menopause
• Sexual dysfunction
• Breast growth
• Autoimmune problems with the thyroid and adrenal glands

How To Safely Use Lecithin

In order to benefit from sunflower lecithin, men should take at least 600mg a day and women should take at least 500mg a day. It’s not thought that consuming more than this amount could be harmful and may actually benefit the body and mind in the short and long-term. To get the most benefits from using sunflower lecithin, males and female can take 1,200mg a day. There are a plethora of possible benefits to adding sunflower lecithin to your diet and even making your very own Sunflower Lecithin Vitamin C. Why don’t you benefit from them today?

Making Your Very Own Liposomal Vitamin C

Liposomal Vitamin C

Are you interested in making your own Liposomal Vitamin C, but are you not sure how to go about it? Below is a stellar recipe to make your very own Liposomal Vitamin C!

Liposomal Vitamin C is very effective if you want to support your health, boost your immune system and treat e.g. leaky gut. Vitamin C is one of the most widely recognized and used anti-oxidants in the world and plays an important role in the health and function of the immune cells.

Vitamin C also plays an important role in the production of collagen which is the major constituent in ligaments, bones, discs, tendons and skin. High dose vitamin C has been shown to improve the healing process of burns, cuts, wounds, sprains/strains and broken bones. It is also extremely important for the health of the eyes and many experts believe that as little as 1,000 mg of liposomal vitamin C daily may stop cataracts all together.

For this recipe, you’ll need non-GMO and non-synthetic ingredients. You can find both Acerola Powder and Sunflower Deoiled Lecithin Powder in our webshop. In addition, you need a Ultra Sonic Machine. Depending on the size of your Ultra Sonic Machine, you might want to alter the quantities a little bit.

Ok, let’s get started!


1 Glass or wooden spoon (do not use metal)
1 tablespoon measurement
Two 8 ounce Mason jars
One 16 ounce Mason jar
Raw vitamin C powder
Distilled water
A glass measuring cup
Two blenders or two blender containers
Sunflower lecithin
Ultrasonic machine


Take 3 tablespoons of Acerola powder and put into 8 ounces of distilled water into one mason jar and let it sit and mix it in.
Take 3 tablespoons of Sunflower lecithin and put into 8 ounces of water in one mason jar and let it sit and mix it in.
Blend the 3 tablespoons of Acerola powder/water together in the blender for 30 seconds.
Blend the 3 tablespoons of Lecithin/water in the blender for 30 seconds.
Join the lecithin mixture and Acerola powder mixture and blend for 30 seconds
Then take the liquid and pour into the Ultrasonic machine. Press on. Every time it shuts off at 3 minutes, take your wooden spoon and mix it. Then press it on again.
Once you’ve done 5 cycles of 3 minutes, mix it and pour into a glass measuring cup and then pour into a 16 ounce mason jar.
Take 2 ounces (or as many times as you like but recommending testing it out to see) before bed or when you first wake up on an empty stomach. Give yourself 30-45 minutes before consuming food.
To make it taste sweeter you can chase it with some Kombucha, orange juice, tea or your drink of choice.

7 Reasons To Put Fat Into Your Protein Shake

Mr Ros MCT Oil Powder

Protein… for anybody that exercises, it’s an important nutrient for the body to recover from the workout it was given. It’s so important that many people will drink protein in the form of a shake. However, did you know that you need another important nutrient in your shake to make it even healthier? That’s right! You’re still missing a vital nutrient that makes that protein shake even healthier. That nutrient is fat!

Yes, fat! Why should you be adding fat to your low-carb, protein-laden shake?

7 Reasons Fat Is Your Friend


There’s a misnomer floating around the health community that carbohydrates are what give your body the energy it needs. Sorry to burst your bubble, but they don’t. Carbs release insulin in the body. When your blood sugar levels rise from eating carbs, the body releases insulin to address the sugar. This causes your blood sugar levels to drop… quick.

Fats, however, don’t lead to insulin release and will slow the insulin’s response to carbs and protein. Fat is what keeps you energetic. On top of that, the MCTs found in both MCT oil powder and coconut oil are rapidly absorbed into the blood, giving you an ample and steady stream of energy all day or allow you to get through a workout without a problem.

If you need to, use oil powders, as they have a fiber known substrate.


The majority of people have no clue that the body’s hormones comprise of saturated fats. One of the most important hormones for bodybuilders is testosterone. If you consume saturated fats such as grass-fed butter, it can increase your level of testosterone and keep the hormones in check.

Better Working Supplements

Add that fat to your protein shake so that your body can better and more effectively absorb the micronutrients you consume. There are many fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin D. In order to get as much nutrient absorption as you can from your protein, add coconut oil, MCT powder or butter to it.

Improvement In Gut Health

The great thing about grass-fed butter is the acid known as butyrate that it contains. Butyrate consists of healing properties that enable the inner linings of intestines to heal, ensuring that nutrients you consume are easily absorbed and decreases the chance for gut inflammation.

Burns Fat

If you consume MCTs fats, you’re giving your body a plethora of energy to use. This will cause the body to burn fat instead of storing it. Yes, fat will burn fat.

Mental Clarity and Performance

Another reason to add fat into your protein shake is the increased mental clarity and performance it adds. MCTs will travel right to your bloodstream, not the liver.

This means your body has an ample supply of energy that causes the liver to release ketones, which stimulate the brain. Add MCT oil to your coffee, hot chocolate or shake to think much clearer. Add it to a pre-workout shake so you can concentrate heavily on the workout.

Liver Health

A fatty liver comes with a host of problems to boost such as diabetes. However, fat consumption will cause the liver to release fat to reduce the chance of fatty liver syndrome. Yes, fat is a win for you and your overall health.

As you see, fat is not the bane of your existence. Your body needs it to feel and look better – to stay healthy. And, your brain needs to think a little clear. Go ahead and add a little fat to your diet today.

Not Convinced? Check Out This Video!

Adam Evans did an excellent review of our MCT Oil Powder and the impact it has on fat burning, weight loss, energy levels and much more. You’ll find the video here and more about Mr. Ros MCT Oil Powder here and here.

Soy Lecithin Powder: What Is It and How Good Is It For The Body?

Soy Lecithin Deoiled Organic Powder

If you’re into reading food labels, you may have come across the ingredient “soy lecithin.” What is it though? It’s a food additive that conventional and healthy food manufacturers often use. The problem is the knee-jerk reaction people get when they see the word soy lecithin, only because of the word “soy.”

There are three kinds of people when it comes to soy and soy products:

• Those who love it
• Those who can’t stand it
• Those who have no idea what soy really is

Earlier, we spoke about Sunflower Deoiled Lecithin Powder. Today, it’s time to talk about Soy Lecithin Powder.

What Exactly Is Soy Lecithin?

If you did a quick search of soy lecithin, you’d be taken to sites that mention 19th century France. It was Theodore Gobley, a French chemist who discovered and isolated soy lecithin in 1846. Lecithin, as it turns out, is a term given to the naturally-occurring fatty compounds seen in plant and animal tissues.

Lecithin, which was found through isolating egg yolk, is comprised of the following:

• Glycerol
• Fatty acids
• Choline
• Phosphoric acids
• Triglycerides
• Phospholipids
• Glycolipids

Now, it can be extracted from various sources including but not limited to:

• Milk
• Cottonseed
• Soybeans
• Sunflower

While it’s mainly used as a liquid, it’s purchasable in granule form.

Most lecithin use is focused on its ability for being an emulsifier. How many times have you heard that oil and water just do not mix?

When oil and water are mixed together, the droplets of oil will spread out and evenly dissolved. After the shaking ends, the oil will separate once more from the water.

Lecithin keeps this from happening. Instead, the oil breaks down into tiny particles during the emulsification process, which means oil droplets become easier to digest or clean.

Many medicine, supplement and processed food manufacturers use soy lecithin to give their products a smooth look. Since it can emulsify fat, it’s often used in soaps and non-stick cooking sprays.

What Are The Benefits Of Soy Lecithin?

There’s been an extensive array of research supporting the health benefits of soy lecithin. Many people refer to lecithin as being “essential” to cells. And, for that reason, it’s used as an additive in a great number of medicines. Although it does have some side effects, the benefits that it can provide to various diseases outweigh those risks.

What are some the diseases soy lecithin has been shown to help with?

• Anxiety
• Depression
• Dementia
• Alzheimer’s disease
• Gall bladder disorders
• Hypercholesterolemia
• Liver disorders

Of each of the conditions, it appears that dietary soy lecithin supplements are the most connected in reducing hyperlipidemia and affecting lipid metabolism.

What Scientists Have To Say About Soy Lecithin

A 2010 study covered in the Cholesterol journal looked at LDL and total cholesterol levels of patients with hypocholesteremia levels after being given soy lecithin. 30 study volunteers took 500mg of soy lecithin each day, and what the study found was pretty amazing.

• After one month, a drop of 40.66% in whole cholesterol
• After two months, a drop of 42% of whole cholesterol
• After one month, a drop in LDL of 42.05%
• After two months, A drop in LDL of 56.15%

Besides that, it appears to boost the body’s immunity functions, especially for people with diabetes.

Brazilian researchers found that taking a soy lecithin supplement every day led to a 29% increase in macrophage activity in rats (white blood cells that overtook foreign debris). They also found that the amount of lymphocyte increased 92% in rats that weren’t diabetic.

Why Is Soy Lecithin So Beneficial To Your Health?

Researchers found it has a compound called phosphatidylserine, which is a common phospholipid that is found in the animal and plant cell membranes. This compound has an effect on the two stress hormones cortisol and ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone), by decreasing the reaction to physical stress.
German researchers looked at how phosphatidylserine that came from soy lecithin measured up, they look at the effects of soy lecithin phosphatidylserine and phosphatidic acid complex (PAS) supplementation on stress hormones. The trial involved 200 people, given doses of 400mg, 600mg and 800mg of PAS in groups of 20. What they learned what the PAS have positive effects on the human awareness but that it was dependent upon the dose.

That dose was 400mg.

400mg of PAS was extremely effective in reducing or hindering cortisol and ACTH levels than the 600mg and 800mg doses were.

Other Important Facts About Soy Lecithin

Soy lecithin, which has been known to come from soybean oil, has the following nutritional content in one cup:

• Choline – 763mg
• Vitamin K – 501%
• Vitamin E – 89% of daily value
• 1:8 omega-3: omega-6 ratio

One of the latest nutrients to be added to soy lecithin is choline, which is known to have an array of health benefits, and had a big role in methylation. What is methylation? It’s the process in which every cell is affected and helps in the transference of a methyl group to DNA, enzymes and amino acids.

It’s important to the health as it helps to thwart the development of various conditions including but not limited:

• Alzheimer’s disease
• Cancer
• Cardiovascular disease
• Chronic inflammation and fatigue
• Diabetes
• Fertility and miscarriages
• Psychiatric disorders

Our Soy Lecithin Deoiled Organic Powder is produced in China by an esteemed German company, using organic non-GMO fluid soybean lecithin as raw material. The manufacturing facility holds special non-GMO certifications based on the Eurofins Preservation Control IP program Standard. With our Soy Lecithin Deoiled Organic Powder you’ll be getting the best quality powder in the market.

6 Reasons Your Dog Needs Sunflower Lecithin

Mr Ros Sunflower Deoiled Lecithin Powder

Sunflower lecithin offers us humans a plethora of benefits for the body, like improved healing and physical performance, better sleep, improvement of memory and cardiovascular function. But did you know that it also offers your pet – be it your cat or dog – health benefits?

But first, let’s talk about what lecithin is

Lecithin is a term given to describe a variety of yellowish or brown fatty substances that naturally occur in a variety of animals and plants. It was originally isolated from egg yolk. These days, lecithin is a popular supplement, especially with regard to improving cholesterol levels and improving the functions of the nervous and circulatory systems.

Lecithin is available in two variations: soy and sunflower. Both are very popular formulations, but they differ slightly from one another.

Sunflower lecithin is the more expensive option due to the differences in production costs and yield. But sunflower lecithin offers many advantages over soy lecithin:

• Sunflower lecithin is extracted without the need for potentially damaging chemical solvents such as acetone and hexane.
• Sunflower lecithin is also processed through a cold press system like the one used to derive olive oil and similar products.
• Sunflower lecithin is the only lecithin which is obtainable both chemical-free and raw.
• Sunflower lecithin is rich in choline and other essential fatty acids such as phosphatidylinositol.
• Some people may develop soy allergies.
• Soy is often genetically engineered.
• There are concerns of elevated estrogen levels by consuming soy and soy lecithin.

So, let’s talk sunflower lecithin for your pet

Sunflower lecithin acts as the body’s emulsifier by helping to dissolve fats and cholesterol. It allows oil and water to interact, and has therefore the ability to keep cholesterol particles in solution while journeying through the arteries. This stops cholesterol from forming hazardous deposits on the walls of blood vessels, which can lead to narrowing or total blockage of the vessel. Furthermore, sunflower lecithin aids in liquefying the deposits that may have already formed.

Sunflower lecithin also helps to metabolize fat in the liver and decreases the risk of liver degeneration. Sunflower lecithin is a vital component of every cell in the body, and found in high concentration in the vital organs such as the brain, heart, liver, and the kidneys. Additionally, it supports the skin, hair, and nervous system.

In the brain, lecithin choline is transformed into acetycholine, which is a vital compound for the transmission of messages from one nerve ending to another. Upon ingestion, the choline derived from sunflower lecithin is absorbed by the brain and aids in memory, thinking ability and muscle control. It also helps with absorption of vitamins A and D in the intestinal tract.

So, in short: soy-free, non-GMO organic Sunflower Lecithin is known to:

• Emulsify cholesterol
• Have a positive effect on memory, clarity and muscle control
• Assist vitamin absorption
• Be oil free
• Support the immune system and healing capabilities
• Coat health

When Should You Use Sunflower Lecithin For Your Pet?

Lecithin is already present in your pet’s body and is essential for the well being of all cells, preventing health problems.

Lecithin may also be found in a number of ingredients such as:

• Egg yolk
• Cabbage
• Split peas
• Cauliflower
• Seeds and nuts
• Fish eggs
• Organic meat
• Animal brain (i.e. chicken and sheep)
• Animal liver and kidneys

But if not consumed in sufficient amounts, your pet may easily be affected by viruses and diseases. Lecithin provides immune system support and can help when your pet is recuperating after a disease or a surgery. Lecithin also supports a healthy, shiny coat.

For dogs specifically, lecithin may be administered as a supplement for dogs that are preparing to start a training course or are on a training course. Studies have shown that lecithin improves memory and orientation and should be beneficial when your pet is learning commands and other tricks.

Also read more on Lecithin for dogs on this site Feeding Fido

See Sunflower Lecithin on Amazon.com

A must read for dog owners is marine phytoplankton for Dogs read here….


Phytoplankton: What Are They and What Nutrients Do They Have

Phyto4Life Marine Phytoplankton

Many people make the mistake of assuming that phytoplankton are plants. However, like seaweed, it’s not. Phytoplankton is actually a microalgae and plankton, which are freshwater and marine organisms that are minute in size and unable to swim against currents.

This type of plankton have parts that are similar to plants (animal-like plankton are called zooplankton). Bacterioplankton help to absorb nutrients in the water.

Not A Seaweed Or Ocean Plant

Remember, phytoplankton are not seaweed or ocean plants. They’re not plants or animals. Instead, they are considered protists, which includes any group of unique eukaryotic (mainly unicellular microscopic organisms).

The sun provides the phytoplankton with energy whereas their nutrients are attained from water. About 50% to 85% of the planet’s oxygen is generated by this kind of plankton process; the rest of it is generated by the land plant photosynthesis.

How Can You Use Phytoplankton?

There are different ways to attain phytoplankton in your diet: liquid supplement form, and powdered or capsule format.

If you’re using the concentrated green supplements, placing it under the tongue is typically the best way in which to attain the benefits. Should you find this method too strong, adding it to water or juice may be necessary. The supplement can be added to salad dressings, smoothies and other things.

Any phytoplankton product needs to be stored in a dry, cool location.

What Are The Nutritional Values Of Phytoplankton?

Phytoplankton has a plethora of nutrients including but not limited to:

〈 Amino acids
〈 Antioxidants
〈 Carotenoids
〈 Minerals
〈 Omega-3 essential fatty acids
〈 Phytonutrients
〈 Protein
〈 Vitamins

Phytoplankton is known to have an alkaline pH. If your diet consists of soda, refined sugar, processed foods and other things, it can cause acidity levels to rise in the body. If you want an alkaline diet, adding phytoplankton to your diet is something to consider.

Acerola Fruit Offers An Array Of Health Benefits

Mr Ros Acerola

Acerola, the edible Latin American-native tropical fruit is a sour red berry that’s loaded with a plethora of vitamin C. The acerola cherry (known as Malpigha emarginata) has emerged as a powerful superfood because of the host of benefits it offers. 

This tropical superfood is considered to be one of the world’s best sources of vitamin C. For example, 100 grams equates to 1,365 milligrams of vitamin C in fresh acerola. Think of it this way: oranges have around 50 milligrams of vitamin C in every 100 grams.

Vitamin C is an extremely important nutrient, responsible for keeping your bones, skin, teeth and immune system healthy and strong. Studies have shown that it has anti-histamine properties that can help stave off or ease various kinds of allergies.

A Natural Antioxidant

The fruit’s vitamin C means it’s a natural antioxidant, which is necessary to fight against free radicals that can lead to premature aging and the chance of suffering from degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease, cancer and heart disease. Free radicals can occur because of normal metabolic processes, but most of them are produced because of:

〈 Air pollution

〈 Cigarette smoke

〈 Drugs

〈 Pesticides

〈 Radiation

It’s not that big of a surprise that the acerola fruit, with its copious amounts of vitamin C, that it surpasses many other fruits and berries for its antioxidant amount.  This has resulted in the development of many anti-aging products with acerola extract.

Acerola Fruit Powder Helps Better Your Eye Health

A study found in the European Food Research and Technology journal shows that acerola, whether consumed raw or in powder form, has a plethora of carotenoids like lutein, beta-cryptoxanthin and beta-carotene with levels similar to guava fruit, papaya and tomatoes.

Foods loaded with carotenoids offer an array of health benefits, but are especially known for bettering eye health. According to scientific research, the lutein and beta-carotene help stave off age-related macular degeneration, better night vision, stave off cataract development and decrease the chance for retinitis pigmentosa.

MCT Powder: What Is It and How Does It Help The Body

Mr Ros MCT Oil Powder

Superfood and supplement buffs already know it, but for those who don’t: good MCT powder is made out of sustainable non-GMO rapeseed oil and non-GMO palm oil. And YES, Mr. Ros’ MCT Oil Powder is non-GMO and sustainable!

MCT powder helps you burn fat for energy instead of sugar, while also improving cognitive function, overall energy levels and focus. MCT powder has similar characteristics as MCT oil, meaning there is no difference between them other than one is a liquid and the other a solid. For example, a serving of MCT powder has as much medium chain triglycerides and fat as its liquid form.

How is MCT powder made?

MCT oil is subjected to dietary fiber and anti-caking agents until it becomes an extremely milled powder that’s easy to blend. MCT powder can be added to various foods and protein shakes.

In the past, the majority of MCT powder added to foods and supplements contained a plethora amount of sugar and fat. And, if you’re trying to eat healthy, this could negate any benefits. However, MCT powder no longer comprises of maltodextrin, which is great for people trying to eat healthy including low carb diet followers.

What Kinds of Benefits Do You Get With The MCT Powder?

There is a host of reasons to include MCT, whether it’s in powder or oil form, into your diet:

  • Baking – You can add MCT into any of your favorite foods.
  • Convenience – You can easily pack several tablespoons of the powder into a container to be used as you see fit.
  • Rapid Nutritional Ketosis – MCT can boost fat loss, increase energy levels and reduce your cravings for carbs.
  • Easily Mixable – MCT powder won’t float or clump at the top of your drink.
  • No Flavor – MCT powder doesn’t alter the taste of foods or drinks.
  • Tolerable – Many people cannot use MCT oil because it leads to stomach upset.

Who Can Use MCT Powder? How Can It Be Taken?

The supplement is ideal for any person who is on a low-carb diet or wants to attain the benefits of medium chain triglycerides.

MCT powder can be used anytime you want to add ketone boosting fats to your diet. It can be added to protein shakes, hot chocolate, soups, sauces and baked goods. When you do high-intensity workouts, you can add them to your water to give you some extra mental and physical energy.

MCT can also be used when fasting. Sure, you do add calories during this time, but these are burned off rapidly. They also provide you with mental clarity and energy until the fast is over. If you’re tired during a fasting, add a little MCT powder to your water to kickstart your metabolism.

It doesn’t matter why you choose to use MCT powder because it’s effective and easy to use.

Mr. Ros’ MCT powder is easily tolerated by the stomach without distressing it.

Are They Any Carbs or Protein In The MCT Powder?

If you plan on buying MCT powder, make sure you look at the carb and protein amount. MCT powder does not have any carbs or protein in it.